Daily Mirror

If you’re a night owl, night shifts might be for you...


Are you a morning or an evening person? If you’re a night owl you’re well equipped to be a shift worker, particular­ly night shifts.

If you’re not, research from Oxford University suggests you should be cautious about taking a job where you work through the night.

It seems some people have a genetic predisposi­tion to being a night owl, and research led by Oxford University’s Leverhulme Centre for Demographi­c Science finds this protects regular night-shift workers against the health risks that result from sleeping less.

This is important stuff because up to a quarter of public- sector employees in the UK do some form of night work.

About the same numbers in other countries are shift workers.

But increasing evidence shows night work and persistent disruption of the body clock is a serious risk factor for health and may lead to conditions such as depression, heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

Using the UK Biobank database, the Oxford University researcher­s looked at 53,211 workers between 2006 and 2018 to investigat­e if they had a genetic propensity to “eveningnes­s”. Their study found night work is linked to significan­t sleep penalties, the greatest of which were in people who work constant nights. According to the study: “This is given the fact sleep plays an essential role for physical and mental health”. The researcher­s found, in general, people who work nights more frequently sleep less. Regular night-shift workers self-reported 13 minutes less sleep a night, compared to those who never worked through the night.

But the research also shows having this higher genetic propensity to “eveningnes­s” has a strong protective effect, reducing the sleep penalty by up to nearly a third.

Dr Evelina Akimova, lead author, said: “What we found particular­ly exciting is that we were able to use multiple measures of eveningnes­s including genetic, self-reported, and accelerome­ter measures to advance our knowledge of sleep penalties among night-shift workers.”

Professor Melinda Mills, lead senior author, added: “There are health implicatio­ns for night-shift workers, but our study shows that these vary between individual­s dependent on their chronotype, and that should be considered when designing interventi­ons.”

These findings go a long way to explaining why some people can’t cope with night shifts while others thrive.

‘‘ Disruption of the body clock can lead to diabetes and heart disease

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