Daily Mirror


Lewis dives in as pair struggle

- BY DAN WARBURTON dan.warburton@mirror.co.uk @DailyMirro­rDan

A HERO schoolboy plunged into a lake to help a pair of dog walkers struggling in the water.

Lewis Elston, 13, was fishing with his dad Mark, 60, when he spotted the couple. The woman and a dog were pulled to safety but the man – who has not yet been named – could not be saved.

Lewis said: “I just went in, but I am quite a strong swimmer. I just jumped in, the water was really cold. I’m proud I did what I could but because the man drowned it’s very sad.”

Delivery driver Mark praised his son’s quick-thinking actions in Leigh-on-Sea, Essex.

He said: “Lewis did a terrific job, I’m very proud. It was a bizarre scenario. You just act instinctiv­ely. All I thought was ‘she’s in the water, the man has died, and the dog is going to die.’” Lewis and Mark, from Southendon-Sea, said the couple, thought to be in their 60s, followed one of their dogs into the lake on October 26. Lewis and Mark ran to the scene after they heard a splash. They helped get the dog out of the lake and then called emergency services who managed to save the woman. Mark said: “Lewis went in and managed to get hold of the dog and get it to the bank. He had to swim about 20ft but he wasn’t out of his depth. “I ran back to where I was fishing and called 999 – the ambulance was there in about six minutes.” A police spokesman confirmed the man had died. He said: “His family are being supported by officers. We are not treating this death as suspicious.”

I’m proud I did what I could but it’s very sad he died


 ?? ?? FATHER & SON Proud Mark and Lucas on a day out
FATHER & SON Proud Mark and Lucas on a day out

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