Daily Mirror

Cam return act of desperatio­n


■ GOOD riddance to Suella Braverman. Her arrogance was her downfall. Her right-wing bile incited morons, including known football hooligan ‘firms’, to cause chaos in London and undermine Sir Mark Rowley and his Metropolit­an Police officers.

The one thing a Home Secretary is not supposed to do is undermine the police but Braverman didn’t give a damn and that is why she was dismissed.

As for Rishi Sunak’s Cabinet reshuffle, it really is laughable. Bringing back a has-been like David Cameron as Foreign Secretary is an act of desperatio­n.

The Tories are fighting like ferrets in a sack while the country goes to pot. Roll on the next General Election when they’ll get the stuffing they’ll deserve. Paul Lawlor, Gloucester ■ David Cameron now joins nearly 800 other unelected folk in the House of Lords helping us to “take back control” from an EU they pretended was undemocrat­ic. Mr Cameron has a spectacula­r history of not getting his own way. He wanted interventi­on in Syria, it didn’t happen, He wanted peace in Libya, it didn’t happen. He hoped to keep his job by offering a referendum while wanting to stay in the EU, it didn’t happen.

He said he’d champion the NHS but it’s been devastated and now has more than seven million people on waiting lists. Yes, Cameron fits this Government like a glove.

Clive Osman Nuneaton, Warks

■ The one thing you can guarantee about this lame Tory Party is that failing to do your job ensures you of a knighthood or peerage.

This totally dishonours those who have been given an honour for achievemen­ts benefiting their country or community and makes a joke of the whole system.

This is the worst Conservati­ve Party in my lifetime. They have destroyed the economy, welfare, care and education systems.

There is not a lot left for them to ruin and they have no idea of what they should do next.

Let’s leave them in no doubt they must give us an election date. Catherine Smith, Coventry ■ Rishi Sunak has shown us this week just how much confidence he has in his Cabinet. After doing the right thing at last by sacking supermouth Braverman, he has resorted to a blast from the past in David Cameron, scraping the bottom of the barrel. All we need now is for Truss and Hancock to crawl out of the barrel. Our nation is doomed. Roger Grant Thurnscoe, South Yorks

■ If I was the Prime Minister, I would beware of the Ides of March – because you can bet your bottom dollar if the Tories’ poll ratings don’t improve by then some of them will come out of the shadows to stab him in the back.

We are now seeing the first signs of this. How many more will cross the Rubicon before we have the chance of a General Election? Paul Atkins, Burntwood, Staffs ■ It’s all very well having a reshuffle, but all Cabinet members are entitled to severance pay of around £16,000 in public money when they leave office.

Now, we have the ennobled Lord Cameron entitled to pick up £342 a day sitting in the House of Lords. I wonder what the Taxpayers Alliance has to say about it all? Ian Pyke, Crawley, West Sussex

■ Now that Rishi Sunak has brought back former Prime Minister and king of austerity David Cameron as Foreign Secretary, why not go the whole hog and invite all the others back? Barry Foster, Wigan

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