Daily Mirror

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■ I just thought you might smile about the Christmas card my stepdaught­er bought for her daughter. It read: “I love you more than the clothes on your floor.” It made me think about TDL. I enjoy your column each day.

Bryan Walsh, Formby, Liverpool Ed: Ha! The floordrobe is universal, thanks Bryan.

■ I am just writing to say a massive thank you for the beautiful piece on my auntie and uncle’s late cat, Pumpkin (November 13). I bought a couple of copies first thing to show them and they were over the moon. What a wonderful community service you provide!

Michelle Henderson, Walmersley, Bury

Ed: Thank you, Michelle, I know just how important cats and dogs are to readers. We love to see paw-traits of family pets, and when it’s time, we’re here to help you say goodbye to them.

■ I am a veteran who read your column yesterday (November 11) about how TDL informed two of my fallen comrades there had been another World War. It had tears rolling down my face at the Remembranc­e Parade. Pearls of wisdom from one so young. Also tell her that Plato said, “Only the dead have seen the end of wars” and I hope she is never forced to fight one, let alone the three I was involved in.

Robert Thomas, Botcheston, Leicester

Ed: Thank you for your service, Robert. We are all indebted to you. I think TDL is especially sensitive because she lost her father at a young age – but the state of her bedroom would still make a grown man cry!

■ I just felt I needed to praise TDL after your story about visiting her dad’s grave. We know she has her faults like most teenagers, but you should be proud she has such a loving and caring heart.

Sue Camidge, by email

Ed: Thank you, Sue, I am proud. I just wish she cared as much about the living (especially the colony of microbes growing under her bed).

■ After reading in your column that TDL is a Slipknot fan (October 30), I appreciate her good taste in music. As a Slipknot fan of two decades and three years, who is now in his twilight years, I am sending her my 2008 concert T-shirt, which I am sure she will treasure. Paul Massey

Grimsby, North East Lincolnshi­re

Ed: Your generous gift has made a surly teen extremely happy, Paul. I haven’t seen her smile like that since she scored tickets to see Pierce The Veil at Ally Pally next year. A band that can only be described as emo and screamo. I’ll bring the earplugs. Oh and I’d like to be able to say the T-shirt is folded away in a drawer, but it’s on her floor, of course!

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