Daily Mirror


Joy as 1927 plan approved

- BY ADAM ASPINALL adam.aspinall@mirror.co.uk @MirrorAsp

We will certainly have a big party when it opens


A VILLAGE “dying” due to traffic gridlock is to finally get a bypass after an almost 100-year wait.

The once-thriving community has lost dozens of shops and the congestion is causing children breathing-related health issues, studies have shown.

But after their ancestors were part of the initial proposals put forward in 1927, the residents of Banwell in Somerset are in shock that they will finally be given a solution which will be ready in 2026.

Local historian Roy Rice, 79, who has lived his whole life in the village, said: “When he was 11, my uncle Wally Richards helped the survey and put the pegs in of the original bypass plan.

“It will be 99 years since then when it finally opens.

“He is no longer with us but I am sure he would have been very surprised we are still talking about it nearly 100 years

later. It will make a huge difference to the village and we will certainly have a big party when the bypass opens.

“We are fully aware it is not being built for us, but it can not be a bad thing for Banwell.”

The village, which has 3,200 residents, lies at the crossroads between two busy A-roads that at points is only wide enough to allow one vehicle to pass.

The final approval for the two-mile bypass came when North Somerset Council voted unanimousl­y in favour of the £56.5million contract at a meeting last week.

A total of £89.2m funding has been approved for the scheme and includes costs such as consultant­s, utilities and contingenc­y money.

And studies showed the proposed bypass could reduce traffic through the village by up to 78%.

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VILLAGE OF THE JAMMED Motorists face congestion hell in heart of Banwell, Somerset
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TRAFFIC HORROR Residents of Banwell fight a daily battle

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