Daily Mirror

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■ I can’t believe your dad needed a pack of Andrex (Oct 31) after you used it all up at Halloween on making Mummy bandages. I always had you down 100% as an Izal family. Les Davis, Aylesbury, Bucks

Ed: We had shiny Izal loo paper at school, but only the best at home for my dad’s rear end! Ha ha! One must have some standards, Les.

■ I loved your piece about your late husband, David, and refer you to the Thought Of The Day on the same day (Nov 11).

If you are in the hearts of people you loved, you are still alive. I’ve told my three children and seven grandchild­ren when I’m gone, they will only have to say my name and I’ll be right there with them.

Brian Wilson, Worthing, West Sussex

Ed: Thank you, Brian. You know, the Aztecs believed that we had two deaths – one when our bodies stopped, and the other when the people in our lives forgot about us. I like that idea.

■ You asked how far anyone has travelled to get a Covid vaccinatio­n (Nov 23) after you travelled 10 miles. Well, mine is a piffling five miles.

My first jab, I received at our local Hindu temple, a mere six-minute walk away.

I was interviewe­d afterwards by a team from BBC South East as the vaccinatio­ns were being done on a bus, loaned by the local bus company, and I had to give my opinion on whether I thought it was a good idea to use the bus for this purpose, so I’ve had my 15 seconds of fame. I had my second vaccinatio­n there as well.

The later three, however, I had to travel all the way across town to a GP surgery, surprising­ly, not that far from my local MP’s abode.

I guess this is so he can brag to all his chums in the House of Commons how many of his constituen­ts get vaccinated at his local surgery.

Ian Pyke, Crawley, West Sussex

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