Daily Mirror

Grumble in the Celebrity jungle

- FIONA PARKER Edited by

■ I THINK it is shameful that ITV is giving credence to that far-right mouthpiece Nigel Farage by paying him a reported £1.5million to appear on the show.

This individual has cost our country billions of pounds with his hatred of the EU, as well as stopping us from living in and moving freely around Europe as we did before.

His Brexit has caused more problems in Northern Ireland and harmed Britain’s image on the internatio­nal stage.

And yet he is allowed to personally benefit financiall­y from his notoriety.

In my view it’s simply wrong to try to rehabilita­te him in this way as such programmes should be non-political.

ITV should know better.

Steve Cox

Tonna, Neath Port Talbot

■ In what has been so far a fun-free series of I’m A Celebrity, YouTube star Nella Rose did herself no favours by blanking an apologetic Fred Sirieix over a simple misunderst­anding and arguing ineffectiv­ely with Nigel Farage over his political views.

Pity she didn’t know Nigel proposes getting rid of race discrimina­tion acts, (because apparently racism doesn’t exist) or thinks the NHS costs too much and isn’t sustainabl­e. That’s what he should be outed on, as well as his views about immigratio­n.

Diane Silva, Bournemout­h

■ What on earth is going on with this country? We have

that clown Matt Hancock going on reality shows profiting from his stint as a failed health secretary.

Now ITV is making a mockery of the working class by paying Nigel Farage a reported £1.5million to appear on I’m A Celebrity.

It’s truly sickening.

Malcolm Lee, Rossendale, Lancs

■ I used to look forward to I’m A Celebrity every year, however it has lost its way with so-called celebritie­s such as Nella Rose.

She takes offence at the slightest thing and is scared of everything.

She also lambasted Nigel for daring to have an opinion on migration. What a pain she is.

Robin Brown, Newcastle

■ I always love watching I’m A Celebrity every year and enjoy seeing how the celebritie­s evolve and adapt to jungle life.

Sadly, though, I feel that this year’s series should be renamed The Josie Gibson Show.

I hope we can see more of the other campmates soon. It would have been nice for EastEnders actress Danielle Harold and DJ Sam Thompson to get more screentime in the first week.

In my view, it’s extremely unfair of ITV.

Lorna Twaddle, Arbroath, Angus

■ Nigel Farage is a lying, self-serving charlatan who relies on people like his I’m A Celeb supporters to keep the illusion rolling along.

No serious, honourable person in the political world would go on TV and eat wombat’s testicles. He’s a showman, and that’s it. But he’s still got some idiotic people fooled.

Ian Convery, Cardiff

■ With the experience gained in his former life surrounded by real-life rats and snakes, dealing with creepy-crawlies in I’m A Celebrity should be a walk in the park for Nigel Farage.

Bernard Evans

Mountain Ash, Rhondda Cynon Taf

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