Daily Mirror

End is nigh for an unfit party


■ AT last, we now know when we can kick the Tories out. Let’s hope the sun shines on July 4 because it rained on Rishi’s parade.

Keir Starmer has to get his act together, though. I heard a woman say on the radio she was going to vote for Rishi as he was doing a good job – where have she been for 14 years? Austerity under Cameron and Osborne, no growth under May, the blatant liar, the disastrous unelected Truss, the disastrous unelected Sunak and still people will vote for this shower.

Keith Bowman, Chesterfie­ld, Derbys

■ Great news at last that Sunak has called an election. He tried to claim praise for the fall in inflation, saying there is room for growth and better living standards.

What a pity the uncaring Tories never did anything about it during the last 14 years – all we had was austerity and cuts.

The only thing the Tories have done is create poverty. Let’s hope we wake up to a new Labour government on July 5.

Dave Mellor, Warrington, Cheshire

■ July 4 will be the UK’s liberation day when we finally get rid of one of the worst government­s we’ve ever had to endure. But a new Labour administra­tion must move quickly as the saviour of the NHS and the helper for people’s pockets. Make no mistake, the Tory opposition will offload all their failings with every barefaced deceit and lie, accepting not an iota of responsibi­lity for the mess they have created. But we must stand firm because at long last, things will only get better.

John Sedgwick, Tamworth, Staffs

■ Rishi Sunak’s general election launch was a disaster from start to finish. The sight of a speech in driving rain being drowned out by loud music, coupled with Tory MPs running around Westminste­r like headless chickens proves how unfit for public office the Conservati­ve Party have become.

Meanwhile, in contrast, Sir Keir Starmer came across as very profession­al with a bold vision already set out. I’ve voted Tory in every general election since 1992 but am now so proud to be not just voting Labour, but a Labour party member too. It’s time for change.

Geoffrey Brooking, Havant, Hants

■ This country now gets the chance to show this shambles of a government just what we think of them. Liz Truss showed us exactly what Conservati­sm is all about, feathering the nests of the rich with massive tax cuts hoping some of their wealth will drip down to the working classes. I hope the electorate remembers this when casting their vote on July 4.

Terry Nesbitt Prudhoe, Northumber­land

■ At last we will get our election. But you have to wonder, why now? Is it damage limitation or perhaps there may be some sort of economic bombshell due?

Whatever the reason, we should all be glad we can give our opinion at the ballot box and let the Tories know what a mess they have made.

Paul Booker Clay Cross, Derbys

■ How any OAP could vote Tory is beyond me. The policy of not increasing personal tax allowance is the most cruel, vindictive policy introduced by any government affecting one of the most vulnerable groups.

More evidence of how the Tories are out of touch.

David Shepley, Ashton-under-Lyne Greater Manchester

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