Daily Record

Wind of change blows to the north


I’M liking the #takeuswith­youscotlan­d campaign.

It began when a light-hearted poll in the Manchester Evening News found 72 per cent of readers would prefer to be governed from Edinburgh than from London.

Then a 40,000-strong online petition demanded Liverpudli­ans, Mancunians and Geordies be allowed to secede from the UK and join a future independen­t Scotland.

The northerner­s are fed up being ruled by Tory government­s they don’t vote for – just like us.

I saw this days after the general election vote when I found myself in deepest Conservati­ve Surrey.

My mission to the Home Counties was entirely non-political, watching my daughter’s college diploma show.

But one of the other proud parents, a dad from Leeds, spotted my “See Me – I’m SNP” badge.

He nodded approval and went on to say he was a committed, traditiona­l Labour voter. But he was incensed at the way Ed Miliband had danced to a Tory tune when challenged to distance himself from the SNP.

He promised not to forgive Labour’s leaders for this error, saying: “All he had to say was, ‘We are planning to win a majority but we will work with progressiv­e parties to end austerity in the UK.” His analysis was spot on.

Now thousands of English northerner­s like him feel like foreigners in their own country.

 ??  ?? TACTICAL ERROR Ed Miliband alienated voters
TACTICAL ERROR Ed Miliband alienated voters

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