Daily Record



STV, 9.30pm AFTER weeks of playing the big-hearted midwife, it’s only right Matthew is now at the centre of his own baby crisis as this series concludes.

At least it’s still a bit of light relief for actor Darren Boyd after his stint creeping around while everyone dropped dead in the thriller Fortitude.

Anyway, anyone who has stuck with this feelgood comedy will know Matthew (Boyd) has been desperate to get together with Lisa (Aisling Bea) since they met. But the laws of comedy state there must be never-ending obstacles.

And getting another woman pregnant has to be right up there with the biggest turn-offs, right?

Or maybe I’m just fussy. The trouble starts after somebody breaks into the pharmacy and makes off with a stash of drugs.

The totally gormless security guard Ian (Paddy McGuinness) is delighted by the exciting manhunt on his hands. The midwives are not interested as long as no one has stolen the cake.

Fortunatel­y the police pitch up to track down the thief, sending in their top forensic experts – one of whom happens to be Matthew’s (very pretty, blonde) ex-girlfriend.

And since she’s very pretty and blonde, a green-eyed Lisa obviously decides she must be a complete cow. Before the two women can end up rolling around scratching each other’s eyes out, Matthew manages to convince Lisa to go for a drink with him.

But his happiness is short lived after Tash ( Jennie Jacques) overhears the “fingerprin­t lady” saying she is having a baby with someone who works in the hospital.

And um, didn’t Matthew have a moment of weakness with his ex, oh, about 12 weeks ago?

Oh dear, just when things were looking promising…

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