Daily Record

Gers face tire failure on road to glory


From Back Page they see off Hibs to set up a final with Motherwell it will mean they play six matches in 22 days.

Stubbs reckons that may take its toll on Rangers and hopes his side, who have been recharging their batteries at a training camp in Spain, will take advantage.

He said: “Coming through the Queen of the South tie will have given Rangers a big lift. When you have that psychologi­cally it gives you a lift but physically it will take its toll somewhere.

“At the end of the day they are human beings, not robots. They cannot keep churning out performanc­es. You always find something extra when you are winning. When you are losing you can easily feel tired.”

Hibs haven’t played since beating Falkirk 3-0 on May 2 to clinch the runners-up spot but Stubbs insists they are more switched on than ever.

The Englishman took his players to La Manga for a six-day camp last week and believes they are fresh and raring to go.

He said: “We are refreshed, the players look hungry and they know what needs to be done.

“We went away and they were completely switched on. We were having to pull them back and limit the training time because they were wanting more.

“The last couple of days have literally been no contact.

“We did not want anything to spoil what we were going into.

“The second leg is at home and we’ll know what we have to do. I suppose that could hand us a slight advantage.”

 ??  ?? FUNSHINE Hibs in Spain
FUNSHINE Hibs in Spain

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