Daily Record

FindHeadin­gthe evilinhere thug whotogobat­teredover2­dex Mo


MAUREEN Dickson is a pillar of society who has been an exemplary Scottish citizen all her life.

The Edinburgh woman worked hard doing the books for a local butcher and devoted her free time to her family.

Now, at the age of 62, all she asks is to be able to go out every so often and spend a night having a laugh with her pals.

It should go without saying that pensioners must be free to walk the streets without fear of being brutally attacked and robbed.

Unfortunat­ely – as Mo’s case demonstrat­es – that is not always the reality of life in Scotland in 2015.

The disgracefu­l assault she was subjected to on Saturday night will sicken every rightthink­ing person in the country.

What could possibly have been going through the mind of the brute responsibl­e?

The gold crucifix taken by the thief will fetch a few pounds on the black market – but to Mo it was priceless. The pair of gold chains belonged to her beloved husband Bob, who died in 2012. They are irreplacea­ble.

Mo suffered a hairline fracture to her eye socket, a bad bump on the back of her head and required stitches to her cheek.

But the emotional blow of losing the jewellery will hurt more and last longer.

We’re certain that somebody, somewhere, knows what mindless thug was behind the attack. They owe it to their conscience to let the authoritie­s know as soon as possible.

We would urge anyone with informatio­n to contact the police or, failing that, get in touch with the Daily Record.

Otherwise it could be somebody else’s granny on the receiving end of this type of disgracefu­l mugging next time round.

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