Daily Record

Twitter silence is golden for addicts


Kanye stops the microwave with 8 seconds to go “ima let you finish I just wanted to say that the oven makes the best soufflés of all time” THIS week I’ve been …

Swithering … whether to ditch Twitter. I know I won’t but while on holiday I left my phone at home and took a wee break from it and it was brilliant.

Twitter can nip my nut big time but I’m quite the addict. Hearing the opinions of about 400 people on a daily basis can leave you feeling a bit frazzled, so it was nice to have a break from the rabble.

Reading … So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed by Jon Ronson. I read his book The Psychopath Test a while back and spent quite a lot of the time feeling anxious that I was myself a psychopath.

As it turns out, psychopath­s don’t feel anxiety. Anyway, his latest book is an interestin­g read.

Part of it is about a woman who was publicly shamed for making a joke on Twitter. After reading about it, I now have anxiety about posting jokes on Twitter. Oh well, at least I’m not a psychopath.

Catching up … with all the telly I missed while away. I just watched Frankie Boyle’s Post Election Autopsy which was as good as expected.

The best bit was when he brought on the rapper and journalist Akala to answer the question: Is Britain Racist to the Core? He nailed it.

I’d recommend watching some of his interviews on YouTube. He’s a smart guy and easy on the eye. I also learned he’s Miss Dynamite’s wee bro, too.

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