Daily Record




STV, 7.30pm and 8.30pm AS con-artist Tony marches Liz off to the solicitor’s, Tracy is rubbing her hands with glee that the Rovers will belong to them by the end of the day.

But then at the 11th hour, in comes Carla to save the day – she has got the thumbs up from the bank manager and wants to buy the pub.

Tony is reeling as he tries to convince Liz to stick to plan A, and soon an impatient Tracy starts to lose her rag.

STV, 9pm SELF-CONFESSED animal nut Martin Clunes is in his absolute element.

This documentar­y is the perfect opportunit­y for him to hang out with his four-legged friends. “As a child, I loved animals but as a grown man on my farm in Dorset I’ve surrounded myself with them,” he says.

In this second programme exploring the relationsh­ip between man and beast, the Doc Martin actor looks at pet ownership in Japan. “Sometimes dogs are seen as human, which is


BBC2, 8pm MARY Berry, with her baking magic, is the Mary Poppins of the cookery world – practicall­y perfect in every way. Even her name reminds you of dessert.

So there’s little that can go wrong with a series dedicated to the Bake Off star’s favourite recipes, inspired by places she loves. And as she heads off into the countrysid­e for this episode to show us how to forage and fish, well, it’s just jolly marvellous, isn’t it?

“The countrysid­e inspires many of my dishes,” says 80-year-old Mary, who was evene voted No74 in FHM magazine’s 100 Sexiest Women in the World list last month, beating Jennifer Lopez and Emily Blunt.

Talk about having it all – although you can understand the allure of someone who makes a mean Victoria sponge.

Tonight you’ll see her whip up some mushroom Scotch eggs, a sausage lasagne, garlic mushrooms on toasted brioche and some mini apple cakes.

Did anyone else’s mouth just spontaneou­sly start watering?

First though, Mary gets stuck in by trying her hand at fly-fishing on the River Test in Hampshire and foraging for wild mushrooms for her recipes.

“We’re so lucky in Britain that our fields, forests and rivers are teeming with delicious produce,” she says. “One of my favourite things to do is forage, although many varieties of mushrooms can be deadly so I’m getting some expert advice.” Probably a good idea. And back in the kitchen, as Mary spoons huge dollops of creme fraiche on to the brioche, she utters the words everyone longs to hear: “Use full fat, of course. Don’t make the mistake of using low fat.” where it gets worrying,” he says, heading to a dog salon in Tokyo.

“This is my daughter Snow White,” says one owner, there for her pet’s monthly shampoo, cut and blow-dry. “She’s my baby.”

At one of the hundreds of dog cafes in the city, women meet with their cute canines bundled up in buggies and choose them something from the menu. You couldn’t make it up.

On his travels, Martin also meets a snake charmer in Nepal, sees how bulbul songbirds are used in gambling and, back in Blighty, tries the 500-year-old activity of swan-upping.

 ??  ?? SAVIOUR Carla breaks the news
SAVIOUR Carla breaks the news

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