Daily Record


FREE BOOKS FOR HOMELESS Volunteer Rachel hands out paperbacks from trolley to avid readers at soup kitchen

- Sometimes a book is more important than food. Food doesn’t last as long

RACHEL Cowan, also know as the Book Wumman, will never forget the first title she gave away.

It was lunchtime on Leith Walk and a charity were due to appear with soup and sandwiches. She set up her trestle table and, as homeless people turned up for food, she offered them something to read as well.

“One guy came up and saw the Russell Brand biography,” she recalled. “He told me he’d been wanting to read it but he didn’t have any money.

“I said, ‘That’s just as well, because it’s a gift. Take it’.

“He was running up and down Leith Walk going, ‘The Book Wumman’s given me this book’.

“If I never give away another book, it was worth it to see that reaction.”

Rachel, who is originally from Lochgelly but now lives in Leith, used to be an opera singer.

Now retired, she has had mental health problems and briefly been homeless herself.

It was a homeless friend who inspired her to start Street Reads. Rachel said: “She sits outside my door, I met her that way. One day she was reading.

“I asked her how important books are for her.

“It took her about five minutes to think about it. Then she said, ‘Sometimes a book is more important than food. Food doesn’t last as long’.”

Rachel started out early this year with overspill books from a Leith Walk charity shop, wheeling them up and down the road in a suitcase. Then she spotted that Soul Food, a weekly meal for about 100 homeless people on Saturday nights at St Paul’s and St George’s Church, had a book cart. She volunteere­d to fill it. Demand was slow at first. But Rachel sat behind her display of donated paperbacks and waited. As she got to know what folk liked to read, she fine-tuned what she offered.

“I didn’t think of keeping classics to begin with,” she explained. “One guy at Soul Food circled the wagons for three weeks.”

It eventually occurred to Rachel that he, unlike most of her readers, didn’t see any books he fancied. After some prodding, she found she had an intellectu­al on her hands.

She explained: “I asked him, in an ideal world, what he read. He said the classics. Anything but Jane Austen. He’s quite a guy. Fearsome intellect.

“I give him Dostoyevsk­y, Kafka, Dickens and Hardy. He’ll read them all in three days. I keep a good supply of classics just for him.”

There are about 3000 books in “the book cave” – a corridor in an old restaurant in the Ocean Terminal shopping centre. Authors like Val McDermid and Ian Rankin hand in piles of their own titles. Publishers Canongate invited Rachel into their store room and told her to help herself.

All the titles are arranged by genre, often with one particular reader in mind.

There’s a lady who loves fantasy and an older guy who used to read but got out of the habit. He found contempora­ry crime thrillers too gory. Rachel offered him Agatha Christie. He is now working his way through as much golden age detective fiction as she can find for him.

Some special requests are easier than others. Rachel said: “I have a permament problem getting Polish books. I’ve appealed to all sorts of Polish societies. There seems to be bit of stigma from older Polish residents – they don’t approve of people being homeless.”

Often Rachel’s social media followers come to the rescue. “Someone will say to me, ‘I want to learn Italian. Got any books?’

“I put that on Twitter. Twitter just delivers. The Agatha Christie guy wanted Christiann­a Brand, who is from the same era and wrote Nanny McPhee.

“That was my all-time record. I put up the tweet and, 24 seconds later, I got a message saying, ‘I’ve bought it on eBay and I’m sending it to you’.”

At the moment Rachel takes books to Soul Food and Souper Saturday, another regular free meal for the homeless. She’d love to expand but is struggling to keep on top of current demand.

In an ideal world, she would be distributi­ng to food banks, refugees and women’s refuges.

But first, Street Reads need a permanent base. From there, Rachel could get out and about to reach homeless readers who don’t come to organised meals or have the confidence to sidle up and engage in a literary chat.

Until then, she will carry on as best she can. She said: “The homeless guys might not know what Street Reads is but they all know the Book Wumman.

“I’m constantly astonished by people who are highly intelligen­t and much better read than me. They just blow me away.” about. It’s good to escape somewhere. It’s my comfort zone.

“I can never escape what’s outside but I can lose myself in a book.

“The first book Rachel gave me was The Brothers Grossbart, a dark fairy tale for adults. I’ve been reading historical novels, Scottish books and Rachel has even got me started on thrillers. The last thing I read was Roots by Alex Haley.

“I would much rather have a book than a TV programme.

“Volunteeri­ng here is great fun. I’m like a kid in a sweetshop with all these books.” Buy a dog a dinner or make a cat’s Christmas

 ??  ?? THE BOOK WUMMAN Street Reads founder Rachel Cowan. Picture: Callum Moffat COMFORT ZONE Gary
THE BOOK WUMMAN Street Reads founder Rachel Cowan. Picture: Callum Moffat COMFORT ZONE Gary

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