Daily Record


Two men fight for life after bodybuilde­r’s frenzied attack as they walk dog in back court


TWO men were fighting for their lives last night after a “sickening” assault on Christmas morning.

A thug described locally as a bodybuilde­r battered the victims at 3am as they walked a dog in a back court in Glasgow. One of the men cried out in terror as the attacker repeatedly slammed his head off the ground.

But the thug told him: “Scream all you like.

“Nobody can hear you. Shout it louder. Tell them you’re not coming back. Tell them you’ll not be back.”

A 50-year-old man was taken to the city’s Queen Elizabeth University Hospital after the incident. It’s

understood he had suffered head injuries.

The second victim, 43, was seriously ill in Glasgow Royal Infirmary.

The violence erupted after one of the victims let his dog out in the back court of flats in Ashgill Road, Saracen, Glasgow. A friend was with him at the time and was also attacked.

A local resident said: “All hell was let loose.

“One of the neighbours was set upon and was screaming for his life.

“He was being attacked by a much bigger man. He was absolutely defenceles­s. It was sickening.

“I’ve no idea what the attacker meant by ‘tell them you’ll not be back’, but I can remember it clearly.

“He kept hitting the guy’s head off the ground.

“The guy had been out with his wee dog. I think his friend was attacked too, in the aftermath.”

The source said both victims had “had a drink” before the incident.

Another resident said the neighbour who was injured “never bothers anyone”.

They added: “He likes a drink but has never been in any way aggressive. “People see him in the street and he always says hello or whatever.”

Police said they received a report of a disturbanc­e in Ashgill Road at about 4am and found two injured men at the scene.

They added: “One man, aged 43, has been taken to Glasgow Royal Infirmary, where he is in a serious condition.

“A 50-year-old man has been taken to the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital. Inquiries are ongoing to establish the circumstan­ces of what has happened.”

Forensics experts were working at the scene yesterday and the back court was sealed off.

Police gave no informatio­n about the attacker.

He was screaming for his life. He was being attacked by a much bigger man NEIGHBOUR

 ??  ?? SealeD oFF Cops probe incident
SealeD oFF Cops probe incident
 ??  ?? SEARCH Forensics officers at scene. Picture: Steve Welsh
SEARCH Forensics officers at scene. Picture: Steve Welsh

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