Daily Record


SPEAK OUT VICTIM TELLS OTHERS Vile thug admits attacking girlfriend when she was pregnant and pouring scalding custard on her head during seven-year campaign of domestic abuse terror

- JANE HAMILTON and VIC RODRICK j. hamilton@dailyrecor­d.co.uk He once punched me in the face for going the wrong way

A VIOLENT brute poured scalding custard over his partner’s head during a seven-year reign of abuse. Edward Barr terrorised former partner Ann Begg and even carried out a vicious attack while she was pregnant. Unemployed mechanic Barr pleaded guilty at Livingston High Court earlier this week to assaulting Ann. Last night Ann, who now lives in England, said she was pleased justice had been done. Barr also admitted punching and kicking Ann on repeated occasions between May 1993 and May 2000. Barr admitted he had assaulted her at addresses in Netherthir­d, High Clews, Cumnock and Auchinleck, all in Ayrshire. Ann said: “I’m glad he admitted what he did to me and perhaps it will make other men think twice before they attack a woman. “I hope it also encourages other women who are suffering in violent relationsh­ips to report it because nowadays there’s so much more help and understand­ing.” Ann met Barr, 45, in 1992 at a garage where they both worked. She said he was known for being “helpful and kind” but in private he was a monster. She said: “He would kick off at the slightest thing. Anything from his cup of tea didn’t taste right to taking a wrong turn in the car. He punched me in the face once for going the wrong way.”

Ann said she was too scared to say anything because he was so popular and she feared people wouldn’t believe her.

She added: “I was embarrasse­d as well. I felt ashamed and thought people would judge me for staying with someone who was hitting me but it’s all about control and that’s how they keep you in line. I’m glad he left and I’m pleased he will have to face the consequenc­es of his actions.”

Giving evidence from behind a screen, Ann, 51, told the jury how Barr regularly used abusive language towards her before punching and kicking her.

She said the first assault happened after she learned she was pregnant with her daughter. She said: “It was fine at first but I wasn’t able to give him the full attention he was getting before so he didn’t like that.

“I noticed things were not the same. There was a lot more argument leading up to the violence that happened through that period.”

She said the first flashpoint came as they prepared for a day out. She said: “One of his friends came and they arranged to go somewhere else. Being hormonal and pregnant I got quite upset. It started an argument and the next thing I know, I was being kicked and punched.

“I can remember being dragged from the living room out to the hallway of the flat by the hair. All I can remember is fists coming at me.

“I was curled up in the foetal position, getting into a ball trying to protect my baby. I was basically being pummelled absolutely everywhere.

“Most of the blows would have been to my head, kicks to my stomach.”

She told the court the attack was the first of many violent incidents during their relationsh­ip. She said she ended up going to stay in women’s refuges.

One time, she said, she had been cooking a meal when Barr came at her and “poured a plate of boiling hot custard” over her head.

She said: “Fortunatel­y I had thick hair and that protected my skin.”

Eventually, she said, she was too afraid to get out of the relationsh­ip because Barr got “enraged” and turned red in the face if she threatened to leave him.

Their relationsh­ip ended in 2000 when Barr left her for someone else.

Earlier in the trial Barr, of Cumnock, East Ayrshire, was cleared of 10 further charges of domestic violence after a key witness failed to turn up to give evidence.

The reluctant witness, another of his former partners, had been needed by the prosecutio­n to provide what is called “mutual corroborat­ion” to prove a course of alleged conduct over a lengthy period which, in Barr’s case, spanned 22 years.

Lord Clark called for social work background reports and released Barr, who has previous conviction­s for assault, on bail.

 ??  ?? DISGUSTING Barr kicked and beat Ann while she was pregnant
DISGUSTING Barr kicked and beat Ann while she was pregnant

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