Daily Record

Pick of the day


CAPTAIN BLI-MEY Anxious Ant Middleton leads the sailors on their ocean adventure MUTINY C4, 9pm TELLY producers have now taken to scouring the history books for ideas. Did you know that 230 years ago, after the legendary mutiny on the Bounty, a group of sailors were abandoned in a tiny boat in the Pacific?

But in an incredible feat of survival, they navigated 4000 miles to safety, fending for themselves with little food, water or shelter. Reality show klaxon. What can we look forward to next? The quest to discover a country? An ark-building challenge? Britain’s Got Battles?

In Mutiny, Ant Middleton, of SAS: Who Dares Wins, steps into Captain Bligh’s shoes as leader of the expedition, joined by eight men including, sensibly, a carpenter, a doctor and specialist sailors.

They are cast adrift in the same spot on the Pacific Ocean, in a replica boat, with the same rations (ie not much), no toilets and no shelter. Like Bligh’s men, they will have to battle brutal storms, treacherou­s reefs, shark-infested waters and the challenge of landing on remote tropical islands to hunt for vital supplies.

“Bligh’s men were hardened sailors,” moans Ant. “Can I take the modern-day man and do it? It’s going to push me to my limits.”

The participan­ts seem to be there for a life-changing experience and to prove their mettle. Or as carpenter Ben succinctly puts it: “There’s got to be more to life than working really hard and then getting smashed.”

It’s an interestin­g test of survival, but with no privacy, there will be clashes on board. Shame they can’t make some of them walk the plank.

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