Daily Record

Gibraltar sabre-rattling typical of Brexit bullies

- Joan McAlpine

“RULE Britannia, Britannia rules the waves, Britons never shall be slaves!”

This ultra-patriotic ditty was written by an arch Scottish unionist to celebrate a British victory over Spain.

So it seemed ripe for reexaminat­ion, given the rumblings regarding Gibraltar and the escalating lunacy of Tory Brexiteers, of both the born again and fundamenta­list variety.

As tunes go, it’s an oldie – but a baddie. A nasty anthem for Brexit and the brand of aggressive unionism promoted by Theresa May and Ruth Davidson.

There is a strand of British nationalis­m that is as hostile to Scotland as it is to Spain, or indeed any country that doesn’t bow at the feet of Britannia.

It is defined by arrogance, a sense of entitlemen­t and a determinat­ion to dominate.

It’s all there in Rule Britannia, as inappropri­ate now as it was in 1739 when penned in the patriotic fervour following the Battle of Porto Bello against Spain.

Britain had triumphed, momentaril­y, in a remote part of what is now Panama.

It was a colonial skirmish known as The War of Jenkins’ Ear. ( Jenkins was a sea captain whose lug was – allegedly – severed by the dastardly Spanish.)

If you have ever watched a Gilbert and Sullivan light opera, this will sound comically familiar.

The song was written by a Borderer, James Thomson, for a party in honour of the Prince of Wales. Thomson was one of those Scots on the make, who took full advantage of the union with England.

While some of his countrymen worried about the loss of Scottish language, identity and sovereignt­y after the 1707 union, he saw opportunit­y if he could ingratiate himself with London society.

He was a “North Britisher”, who believed in suppressin­g the identities of Scots, Irish, Welsh and English into this a new domineerin­g Britishnes­s – personifie­d by the king and his bullish military forces.

You’d have thought we’d have moved on since 1739 but the sentiments which inspired Rule Britannia seem as rabid as ever in May’s increasing­ly deluded Britain.

It is as though decades of democracy, social progress and the rule of law never happened.

The rhetoric of Rule Britannia is as virulent as ever. It is bullying and xenophobic. It is “Up Yours Senor!” It is the last line in crass.

Let’s hope the front page war with Spain never becomes a real one, though the comments by Lord Howard were real enough.

He is a former leader of the Conservati­ve Party, a man who represents a significan­t strand of thought among Tories.

That same unbending, right-wing strand drives the UK Government’s approach to both Brexit and Scotland.

The Falklands War was the finest hour for types like Howard, because it was colonial.

How they hanker for some more gunboat diplomacy – and what better backdrop than The Rock?

Can this really be happening? This is Spain we are talking about.

This is short breaks in Benidorm, Zara & Mango, Rafael Nadal and Real Madrid. This is the place where more UK retirees live than any other country, on Costa del Crinklies. This is not our enemy.

Yet in the topsy-turvy world created by the Tories, we fire insults at Madrid while grovelling to the distant and hateful regime in Saudi Arabia.

May is there this week, hoping to shift a few more arms deals with one of the worst human rights abusers on the planet.

How is it that peaceful, progressiv­e European partners are viewed with hostility by May while the Saudis are wooed and flattered?

This regime, using British weapons, have killed thousands and created three million refugees in bombing raids on Yemen.

Then there’s the matter of the Saudis funding and exporting the brand of extreme “Wahhabism” that inspires terrorists including the so-called Islamic State.

Oh, and there’s the small matter of the female half of the population being treated as less than human.

These are Britain’s new pals. That’s what “global ambition” is about. It’s about pretending to rule the waves at the helm of the royal yacht, believing that if you meet an iceberg, it will apologise and move out of the way. ●ACROSS the UK, about 100,000 children fell into poverty in 2015-16.

About four million – or about 30 per cent– are now classed as poor.

Experts predict more planned benefit cuts will increase poverty rates over the next three years.

In addition, the value of wages has flatlined or dropped.

The latest inflation figures, caused by the post-Brexit plunge of the pound, will hit the poorest hardest by raising the price of food.

Again, that is not something Scotland can control. We have no power over employment, over the level of wages, over tax credits.

 ??  ?? Joan McAlpine is an SNP MSP
Joan McAlpine is an SNP MSP
 ??  ?? BACKDROP The Rock of Gibraltar
BACKDROP The Rock of Gibraltar

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