Daily Record

Rape clause will haunt Ruth’s Tories


THE backlash against the Tory rape clause is growing by the day.

As of last Thursday, a change to UK Government policy means that child tax credits will only be available to families for a first or second child – unless a woman can prove that any subsequent children were conceived as a result of rape.

Imagine having gone through such a horrific experience and then being forced to relive that ordeal in order to access financial support for your child. It is difficult to think of a more inhumane, barbaric policy – and it is no wonder there has been such widespread condemnati­on from women’s organisati­ons, trade unions, faith groups and politician­s.

The Tories know how deeply unpopular this policy is. That’s why they’ve been so desperate to avoid talking about it and it’s why they snuck the guidance out in the middle of the night last Thursday.

It utterly shames the Scottish Tories that, rather than speaking out against the rape clause, they have meekly given it their backing – something that will haunt Ruth Davidson for a long time.

Of course, we’ve been here before with the Tories – the Bedroom Tax, humiliatin­g fitness-to-work tests, cuts to disability benefits and much more.

The rape clause may have now come into effect, but the campaign against it must – and will – go on.

 ??  ?? BACKING Davidson supported barbaric policy
BACKING Davidson supported barbaric policy

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