Daily Record

Cops sent to wrong city in call blunder

- I don’t go out now. I’ve given up so many things that I loved KEITH McLEOD k.mcleod@dailyrecor­d.co.uk

infidelity. Following five apparently happy years of marriage, he left her in December 2012 after confessing to an affair. Three months later, he begged her to take him back. But his entire character appeared to have changed. Lainey said: “I was naive to his controllin­g ways and he became more of a bully every day. “He wouldn’t always react right away, so I’d be on edge. And that torture of walking on eggshells would sometimes be as bad or even worse than what would follow.” Patterson’s abuse escalated, leaving Lainey terrified. She said: “One day, during an argument, he slammed a knife into the table. He told me he’d slice me up and then cut up my dog Dinky. “My little dog is my life and he was using him to get to me. I was too afraid of him to leave and he told me if I did, he would find me and kill me. “I didn’t have anywhere to go, so I stayed and tried to survive him. “Another day I was clearing out my wardrobe and he came into the room and burst into a fit of rage. He ordered me into the cupboard as he knew I was afraid of confined spaces. “I screamed and cried but he forced me in and threw talcum powder over me. He grabbed a can of hairspray and a lighter and aimed it at my face, I could smell burning and I thought I was going to die.” At Ayr Sheriff Court in August 2014, Patterson admitted that between January 1, 2013, and February 16, 2014, he behaved in a threatenin­g manner, possessed a knife and threatened to injure the dog and petrol bomb the house.

Sheriff John Montgomery told him: “You have terrorised your wife.”

Lainey added: “Robert and I had married on Valentine’s Day in 2007.

“We met through mutual friends and he was so gentle, kind and caring for most of our marriage. We had a happy marriage, as far as I knew, until Christmas 2012.

“After I gave him another chance, he seemed different and would fly off the handle at the least little thing.

“When I tried to throw him out, he threatened to petrol bomb the house with me and Dinky inside. I was terrified but finally spoke out and told the police.

“I’m now trying to move on with my life. But I’m constantly looking over my shoulder. He has left me afraid to even leave my own house.”

But Lainey is determined not to let Patterson ruin her life.

She said: “The good thing that came out of it all is that I don’t make decisions for someone else. I make them for me.

“I don’t have someone controllin­g every single thing, telling me when to get up or when to go to bed. I will move on with my life, and he won’t be in it.” POLICE were sent to probe a break-in at a supermarke­t – in the wrong city.

A control room blunder saw a police car sent to a Tesco Express store in Great Western Road, Glasgow.

But the reported break-in had come from a Tesco store 150 miles away in Aberdeen’s Great Western Road.

It meant a three-and-ahalf hour delay before officers finally turned up at the Aberdeen store.

Last week’s error came just days after the Aberdeen emergency call centre was closed as part of a drive to save cash.

Calls from Aberdeen on the 999 emergency line or the 101 non-emergency service are now handled in Motherwell, Edinburgh and Glasgow, before then being routed to Dundee.

The closure of local centres removes local knowledge from emergency call-outs, critics claim.

Scottish Lib Dem leader Willie Rennie has repeatedly warned of the dangers of call centre closures.

He said: “I shudder to think what could have been. Bungling of this kind does not inspire confidence.”

Nero loyalty app

A digital version of a paper loyalty card is being launched by coffee chain Caffe Nero. Bosses said the app will be “a step forward for customer experience”.

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 ??  ?? Patterson left Lainey, main, frightened to go out MARRIAGE TURNED SOUR Lainey says husband’s affair sparked abuse. Main picture: Steve Welsh CONCERN Willie Rennie
Patterson left Lainey, main, frightened to go out MARRIAGE TURNED SOUR Lainey says husband’s affair sparked abuse. Main picture: Steve Welsh CONCERN Willie Rennie

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