Daily Record


It’s blood, sweat and cheers for Danny as he vows Gers are still in the fight

- MICHAEL GANNON m.gannon@dailyrecor­d.co.uk

BLACK and Blue Danny Wilson reckons Rangers look like a side who are ready to battle every step of the way in the fight to be classed as the best of the rest.

You only had to look at the Gers defender’s face for proof of that.

The centre-half was carrying the war wounds from a bruising bust-up at Pittodrie with a broken nose to show for his struggles along with three priceless points that have reignited the scrap for second spot.

Wilson took a dull one from Adam Rooney in the first half of a feisty affair that might have been low on quality but off the chart on the stooshie scale.

There were square goes, alleged headbutts followed by dramatic falls, late lunges and sneaky snipes, more bookings than the King’s Theatre and a minor miracle both sides kept all their players on the pitch.

Wilson insisted his busted beak – with a pair of black eyes in the post – was well worth the pain for the three points.

He said: “It was just one of these incidents when a striker and a defender come together. I came off worse in this one.

“It’s an occupation­al hazard in these kind of fixtures, a weekly occurrence in football. It’s just my turn this week.

“I feel much better now we’ve won the game. You can put up with the pain after a victory like that. It was important for us to come here and get three points.

“We’re still nine points behind them, so I’d rather be in their position than our one but we had to come here and win.

“We did, so now we can look forward to the upcoming games.

“It’s a good victory in terms of Aberdeen being above us in the league and us trying to close that gap.

“In the dressing room the players believe we can go on a wee run.”

Wilson admitted the gap is still pretty hefty to cut with just six games of the season to go but the win in the Granite City showed Rangers have a solid centre.

He said: “The game was probably unlike us in terms of the way we played.

“We saw that we frustrated them and hit them on the counter-attack. It’s usually teams doing that to us.

“We showed we can do that and if we apply ourselves we can play in a different way and in a different style and get the three points. That is

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