Daily Record

Nasty truth about Ruth’s Tory values


HIDDEN in the small print of George Osborne’s Summer 2015 budget was a clause about limiting tax credits to two children.

There were to be exceptions where tax credit could be claimed for a third child. But a woman who had a third child conceived through rape would have to prove the act took place before becoming eligible for support.

It was a cruel calculatio­n designed to tighten the social security budget and it had the result of merely emphasisin­g the callousnes­s of the Tory cuts regime.

SNP MP Alison Thewliss spotted the nefarious paragraph in the budget red book and immediatel­y began her honourable campaign to repeal the rape clause.

Last week, Scottish Labour leader Kezia Dugdale went public on her support for the Thewliss campaign.

Now Scottish Conservati­ve leader Ruth Davidson has been left exposed as equally contemptib­le as her colleagues down south.

Previously, she has made a decent job of tap dancing around the ideologica­l excesses of Westminste­r Tories.

Not this time. In fact, she endorsed the rape clause as “sensitive”.

Not normally shy of appearing for a soundbite in front of TV cameras, Davidson has been posted absent in person.

Instead, she has hidden behind press statements rather than front up herself.

The rape clause, roundly condemned by women’s groups and profession­al organisati­ons, is immoral and unnecessar­y.

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