Daily Record



From Back Page earlier and later. Harry trained with Michael once early in the morning because he was not part of the squad and because we were playing at 12.

“As long as I’m manager I’ll manage my way. I’m here to defend the group of players who want to follow the standards and defend this club to keep the highest standards all the time.

“We have rules and principles and those who do not follow those standards need to learn as an example to others.”

Last month, we also revealed that Caixinha planned to give his stars just nine days’ summer holidays and we have been ahead of the opposition on the gaffer’s signing plans too.

He has vowed to crack down on dressing-room leaks after the latest story broke of the decision not to hand Clint Hill and Philippe Senderos new deals.

He said: “I can confirm I’ve spoken to three players so far and those three players know what is going to happen for next season.

“The majority of the speculatio­n is coming from inside and that is my main concern. If they are coming from inside I can’t stay happy with that situation.

“We are a big club and a big club cannot have this sort of behaviour.

“We are ruled and managed from inside out – but our way, not the other way around. When I stay here that is the way we will behave and work. No leaks, no leaks. That is a point we definitely must understand.”

Caixinha has vowed to overhaul his squad this summer with an influx of “heroes and warriors”.

The manager admits many of his pre-season signings might not yet be household names but will become loved by the fans.

Caixinha has handed the board a list of 12 targets with a view to signing at least nine new faces when the transfer window opens next month.

The boss won’t promise marquee signings but has pledged to snap up only players with the guts to lead their club back into a challengin­g position.

He said: “Sometimes the names excite the fans. At other times the names maybe create some doubts but after the first tackle, the first pass or the first goal, all the doubts are gone.

“That’s what we want to do. We know what the club needs. We are working to bring those warriors the club needs to help us reach another level.”

More than 25,000 Rangers fans have already renewed their season tickets ahead of Monday’s deadline and with a public sale to follow, they are on course to match last season’s near record 43,000 total.

Caixinha has already ditched talks with targets because they didn’t give him the right vibes and insists Rangers remain an important club in the eyes of others.

He added: “The club itself, even without playing Europa League, is something that draws the attention of players.

“We’ve had conversati­ons with several players, including those I knew but I felt they were not keen to come so I just stopped discussion­s there and then.”

Danny Wilson, who has strained ligaments in his right knee, is out for the season and may miss the start of the new campaign.

 ??  ?? PUNISHMENT Rangers’ Michael O’Halloran, left, had an early start and, above, our exclusive on Gers stars’ holidays
PUNISHMENT Rangers’ Michael O’Halloran, left, had an early start and, above, our exclusive on Gers stars’ holidays

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