Daily Record



WHEN I first heard about the bombing and began to absorb the full horror, I admit my next thought was that we should call off the Run.

This city has been ripped apart, its people are hurting, the police and doctors and civic authoritie­s are stretched beyond belief.

How can we carry on with a fun run? How can anyone think the pursuit of pleasure is an appropriat­e response to one of the worst terrorist attacks in our country?

But the response of Sir Richard Leese, the leader of Manchester City Council, was Athletics legend and chairman of the Great Run Company immediate, calm and measured. He said: “It will be a case of how we can do it, not if we can do it.” And of course, he was right. We know that for the people who have lost loved ones, or whose relatives are still fighting for their lives, their worlds will never be the same again. But ours has to be. We must carry on, show who we are. Sport is a force for good, terrorism a force for evil.

Had we not staged the run, we would be letting the terrorists win by stopping us living the lives we lead and doing the things we love.

By running, we win. By running, all of you win. You send a message to the world.

Just as London was not broken by the 7/7 bombing, Manchester will not be broken.

Manchester ran. And by running, Manchester won – again.


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HEARTRENDI­NG Runners view tributes to bombing victims TERRORISTS ‘ON LOOSE’
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