Daily Record



Sharks are serious

WITH the photo of the eight-foot shark swimming in shallow water near Magaluf, many holidaymak­ers will be very wary of entering the sea for a swim now.

Surely the authoritie­s must set up a shark watch to reassure people their safety is paramount.

It is every swimmer’s nightmare to hear someone call out “shark” but it has been done in jest so many times that swimmers just laugh at – especially because the Mediterran­ean around this area has always been deemed safe. Now anyone calling this out will cause a panicked rush for the safety of the beach. There is no doubt that many false alarms will be called out but all it takes is for people to start ignoring them and it might well be the time that a shark will strike.

Hopefully other bathers will see this is a serious issue and should not be used as a joking platform. Tom Baxter, Denny, near Stirling

No risk of charm

I SEE the latest member from the SNP charm school has rolled off the assembly line.

Ian Blackford just spouts the usual stuff that Angus Robertson always came out with before he lost his seat at Westminste­r.

Also, Nicola Sturgeon, once the darling of the SNP, is strangely quiet while she struggles with calling off IndyRef2. Maybe she should meet up with Theresa May and discuss where it all went wrong. Jim Fotheringh­am, Milton of Balgonie, Fife

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