Daily Record

Prejudiced poison must be quashed


THE counter-punch to the globalised economy that made corporatio­ns richer and citizens poorer has been division, isolationi­sm and the rise of nationalis­m.

The Brexit process, the US election and that early laboratory for counter-politics that was Scotland during the referendum campaign, revealed some of the uglier sides of politics and human nature.

Some use the energy released from the process quite deliberate­ly to stir up further division.

Others, encouraged in their out-of-date views by the reactionar­y mindset, choose to give expression to those out-of-date views. That’s an explanatio­n, but it is no excuse. Anyone who thinks that using racist terms, in public office or out of it, is somehow legitimise­d by the political atmosphere of the day needs their head examined.

But Brexit has allowed some on the more repressed side of right-wing politics to give vent to their prejudices.

So it was with Tory backbenche­r Anne Marie Morris, who casually said that dropping out of the EU without a new agreement was a “real n ***** in the woodpile”.

Shocking in itself, what was even more astonishin­g is that no senior Tory figures in the room, in fact no one in the meeting, checked her for her language.

Withdrawin­g the whip from a racist Tory MP is the least that Theresa May can do. It sounds like she needs to send several Brexiteer MPs for classes in equality.

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