Daily Record



for more than 20 years before I got Emmerdale, and I had done a lot of different things. “But you get to that point where you want the big job, the big break and I was waiting for that. “When the part of Priya came along and I read the script, it just felt right. “I know there are actors out there who would love to be doing something full time and be in a show like Emmerdale. I never forget that. It has been incredible.” The role has made Fiona a household name and it means she regularly gets recognised. But she takes it all in her stride and isn’t bothered at all if fans catch her make-up free rather than looking like her uber-glam character.

She laughed: “I am so unglamorou­s in real life. People do recognise me when I come off set and I am all made up – but I do like being more natural, that is more me.

“I love just putting on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, although I always wear my little heeled boots because I am quite short.

“It is lovely to go to work and the make-up team make you look so lovely. But as soon as I leave work, the make-up is off.

“My focus is the job, working hard and being successful, not necessaril­y being famous.

“It comes with being in a soap that’s on every day. I just go with it.”

For years, Emmerdale had been in the shadows of its rivals Coronation Street and EastEnders. But a series of huge storylines have seen it named best soap at the British Soap Awards for the past two years running.

Fiona said: “It is the best show right now and I am very, very proud to be part of it. “And I love Priya. She is feisty, she is a strong businesswo­man, she’s been through a lot.”

She is also enjoying getting to work closely with Anthony Quinlan, who plays Pete.

Fiona said: “We haven’t really worked together at all, so it is quite funny because suddenly you have to do these really intimate scenes.

“He is a really lovely guy, and we were very nervous doing the kissing scenes. We giggle a lot, but that breaks the ice and it is a lot of fun working with him.”

Which is lucky, because as Fiona revealed: “There are definitely some steamier scenes coming up.”

I’m so not glamorous in real life. I love just putting on jeans and a T-shirt FIONA WADE

 ??  ?? SCREEN HUSBAND Priya with Rakesh (Pacha Bocarie) , who has left the village after finding out about the affair
SCREEN HUSBAND Priya with Rakesh (Pacha Bocarie) , who has left the village after finding out about the affair

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