Daily Record

Winning strategy for a hi-tech future


THE world is changing. The pace of technologi­cal change and growth of automation is something we can’t run away from or build a wall against.

I want Scotland to be ready for the future. And that was the plan behind our party’s industrial strategy, which I launched last week.

There are big questions about the nature of the workforce, and politician­s have to try to answer those questions now – not put off making tough decisions that might upset some voters.

One idea in the strategy caught people’s attention – a 48-hour cap on the working week. We want to start a dialogue with businesses about this.

Such a move would be a transition over time and there are clearly many hurdles to overcome. But when so many workers are trapped in stressful, low-paid jobs, increasing productivi­ty is vital for future economic growth.

When people can work to live, instead of live to work, we all benefit.

Government­s have a role to play in shaping the future, which is why education has been at the heart of my agenda as Scottish Labour leader. We want to use Holyrood’s powers to invest in education and skills, and establish a software developmen­t and apprentice­ship path for computer coding.

Barriers for young people, especially girls, from entering the world of science, technology, engineerin­g and maths must be torn down.

And we want a Scottish Investment Bank to unlock capital and finance for businesses. If we give people and firms the skills and investment they need, we can face the challenges of the future.

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