Daily Record


Whether you’re worried about mosquitos when travelling abroad or ticks and midges closer to home, we answer your questions about how to deal with pesky little insects


THEY are the one downside of a lovely warm summer – pesky biting insects.

So how can you avoid being bitten and what should you do if you are? WHAT IS CELLULITIS? “This is a painful, bacterial skin infection caused by insect bites,” said bite prevention expert Howard Carter.

“In 19 out of 20 cases, the infection will resolve with antibiotic­s within 10 days. But one in 20 develops complicati­ons, such as abscesses.

“In August 2012, 32,000 people went to A&E with bites and two per cent were hospitalis­ed with cellulitis.” DO I ONLY NEED TO WORRY ABOUT TICKS BITING MY DOG? Ticks are blood-sucking creatures that live in woodland, pasture, moorland, parks and gardens. They don’t hurt, so you may not know you are carrying one until you undress.

If you spot one of these tiny spider-like creatures, try to remove it carefully, using pointed tweezers. Gently apply pressure and pull steadily upwards, without twisting. Don’t crush the tick.

If bitten, you may see a bullseye-shaped rash three to 30 days later. Other symptoms include headaches, joint and muscle pain, and a stiff neck.

Some bites can cause the bacterial infection Lyme disease. If this isn’t caught early, it can cause problems such as meningitis, heart failure and arthritis. WHAT DO I DO IF STUNG BY A WASP OR BEE? Scrape the sting away with your fingernail and apply an ice pack to reduce swelling.

Howard recommends Zap Ease (£5.95 from Holland & Barrett), a device you click around the bite area to localise poison and inhibit histamine, which causes the itch. CAN YOU GET MALARIA IN THE UK? There are lots of kinds of mosquitos in the UK but they don’t usually carry malaria. But you can pick up the disease abroad. In 2015, 1400 cases of malaria – with six deaths – were reported in Britain related to travel.

Howard said: “UK travellers top the European league table for malaria as they don’t protect themselves.” HOW DO I KNOW IF I NEED TO PROTECT AGAINST MALARIA? Follow the ABCD approach:

Awareness of risk – The Fit for Travel website has details of the danger of malaria in specific countries.

Bite prevention – Use insect repellent, covering your arms and legs, and sleep under an insecticid­etreated mosquito net.

Check if you need prevention tablets – If so, stick to the right dose and finish the course.

Diagnosis – Seek medical advice if you develop symptoms ( fever, headaches, nausea, aching muscles etc), for up to a year after you return from holiday. CAN I STILL GET MALARIA IF I TAKE TABLETS? “Yes, I did. That’s why preventing bites is vital,” said Howard. He developed Incognito mosquito repellent (lessmosqui­to.com). HOW DO I AVOID BEING BITTEN ON HOLIDAY? Dusk and dawn are peak times for mosquitos, so don’t sit out then.

Mosquitos will bite through fabric, even thick jeans, so apply insect repellent before dressing.

To be extra safe, apply a protective solution of Java citronella or Incognito spray to your clothing. Java citronella is at least twice as effective as ordinary citronella, as insects have not built up resistance to it.

Don’t wear black, blue or green – or floral patterns – as studies show they will attract mosquitos. Clothing should be white or light coloured.

Don’t burn candles, as this invites insects in. Burn Java citronella oil in an oil burner or citronella incense sticks instead.

Spray repellent on and around your door before going inside as mosquitos often lie in wait on the outside of doors and windows. This helps to keep them out.

Wrap laundry up in plastic bags and keep all luggage closed.

Avoid all fragrances. Some, such as lavender, attract insects. Be aware most toiletries, sunscreens and fabric softeners contain scent.

Exfoliatin­g every two or three days removes insect-attracting bacteria from the pores of your skin.

Horseflies and mosquitos are attracted by water, so if you’re near any make sure your arms and legs are well-covered.

Ticks love long grass and woodland so don’t wear shorts when walking there.

Avoid waving your arms around at wasps – this is likely to make them cross and increase your chances of being stung. Instead, move away from them slowly and calmly.

Insects are attracted to bright colours, so make sure your picnic blanket is a neutral shade.

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DANGERS Tick, wasp and mosquito

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