Daily Record

Find a simpler way to relax by following granny’s example


GRANNY’S generation might not have known what a hashtag was – but they nailed self-care goals.

Long before Goop-isms, fitspo and #healthgoal­s were a thing, people had simpler ways of practising wellbeinge­nhancing habits.

When it comes to self-care and keeping stress in check, granny had a few useful tricks up her sleeve that we could still benefit from today. We take more photos than ever but it’s so easy to file them away on your laptop or upload them to Instagram, check your “likes” for a few days and then forget about them. Before digital cameras, you had to get your photos printed. Seeing how they turned out was half the fun, then you’d flip through the albums again and again, reliving those moments and – to reference a millennial happinessg­iving “rule” – practising gratitude. Smartphone­s mean we’re all constantly connected, yet rates of loneliness are on the up. Having hundreds of “friends” or “followers” on social media, and being able to text and message people for free, in seconds, doesn’t mean we’re necessaril­y benefiting from meaningful interactio­n. Text chat has its place, but don’t overlook the importance of proper chats and meet-ups. It didn’t actually become common for UK homes to have fitted bathrooms until the 1960s (gran probably made do with an outside loo and a metal tub they filled by hand). But a good soak in the tub is an easy way to hit “pause” and let those everyday stresses unravel. Treat your skin to some TLC with mineral-packed bath salts or oil at the same time. You’ll probably have a much better sleep afterwards, too. Thankfully, we’ve moved on from the days when women’s destinies didn’t extend far beyond a mop and bucket. And while we’re all about shared domestic duties, if we’re honest, sometimes a Saturday morning spent getting the kitchen in order or sprucing up the lounge can feel pretty rewarding. Maybe it’s because a calm environmen­t equals a calm mind. Maybe it’s because focusing on mindless tasks can be relaxing. Maybe it’s because we just feel more comfortabl­e when we’ve got things under control – even if it is just the washing up.

Hobbies can help with managing depression and anxiety

It’s no longer essential to learn skills like sewing. But while granny probably learned to sew so she could darn socks, patch up trouser tears or rustle up a new summer frock, there’s a reason some people take up sewing as a hobby and swear by it for keeping them sane. Same goes for baking. And don’t get hung up on how Instagramm­able your lemon drizzle looks. Hobbies can actually help with managing depression and anxiety, so do it just for the joy. There’s no shame in unwinding in front of Big Bang Theory. Enjoy your TV, but carve out time where you purposeful­ly leave it off, so you can read, get out for a jog or listen to music.

 ??  ?? HAVE A PROPER CHAT Connect with friends beyond social media
HAVE A PROPER CHAT Connect with friends beyond social media

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