Daily Record



will be welcomed by all who have nothing but best wishes for the troubled Englishman whose impact on everyone he played with is far from forgotten.

Charlie said: “First and foremost it gets him a touch of the ball which is great. It was clear that he looked happy and that was so good to see.

“Make no mistake, we all love him to bits, those of us who were lucky enough to play with him.

“It’s not just the old Rangers boys who love him, it’s across the board of guys who played with him at all the other clubs.

“There is so much affection for him within the football world as he is such a genuine and lovely guy.

“Gazza has a heart of gold and none of us has forgotten that. I loved everything he did on a pitch and just playing alongside him was amazing.

“We were great pals, people say this CHARLIE MILLER was speaking at a Charity Legends match at Hamilton Accies which was held by the Manorview Hotel Group in associatio­n with Andy McLaren’s charity A&M Scotland. The legends match and dinner helped raise £19,000 for A&M Scotland, a charity set up by former footballer McLaren which provides football coaching and dance classes for kids from some of Glasgow’s most deprived areas. All classes and coaching are free. The charity is running summer holiday camps where hundreds of children will participat­e. and that about us but he was always good for me. He would take me aside to dish out advice and I always appreciate­d that.”

Miller is adamant the next stage in Gazza’s rehabilita­tion should include football reaching out to a man who still has so much to offer on the coach side of the game.

He said: “Football should be a route back to health, not just physically but mentally as well.

“I can’t believe he’s not involved in the game, it’s a shame as once he stopped playing someone should have had him in right away.

“Someone who knew him could have been working with him as he would have been a great addition to any dressing room. He would have been brilliant around a club and been able to help coach the kids.

“He could show them what to do and given the game back so much. I mean, how could you not learn from Gazza?

“Some say you couldn’t learn from him as he was that good but I disagree, he would be a terrific coach.

“Football would provide a distractio­n from the issues he has and it would get him back involved in the game again.”

Miller was in action himself over the weekend, taking part in a charity match which included former Old Firm stars Arthur Numan, Bert Konterman and Jan Vennegoor of Hesselink.

And although he’s nine years younger than Gazza, Miller admits he’s feeling his ex-team-mate’s pain.

He said: “My body was in bits after the game, the rigour mortis has set in.

“I shouldn’t complain much as we had Gerry McCabe playing for us and he’s unbelievab­le. He was running the midfield and he has two plastic hips.

“It was good to see Arthur, Big Bert and Jan as it’s good to catch up.”

at his feet was heartwarmi­ng

 ??  ?? COOKING WITH GAZ Gazza played with mate Beardsley in a Newcastle legends game on Sunday OLD MAGIC Miller, far right, takes part in charity game GLORY DAYS Miller with Gazza, below, in their pomp at Ibrox
COOKING WITH GAZ Gazza played with mate Beardsley in a Newcastle legends game on Sunday OLD MAGIC Miller, far right, takes part in charity game GLORY DAYS Miller with Gazza, below, in their pomp at Ibrox

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