Daily Record

Amanda’s family deserve answers

THE Scottish justice system failed Amanda Duffy and her family.


There is no doubt the 19-year-old student’s life was brutally taken by Francis Auld, who stood trial for her murder.

A jury found the case against Auld not proven and he left court a free man to go on to lead a normal life – something he denied Amanda.

The family successful­ly sued Auld for the loss of their daughter and the Duffys’ hopes of seeing him in the dock again were raised when Scotland abolished its “double jeopardy” law, especially after new, compelling DNA evidence emerged.

But last year, the appeal courts rejected the evidence and blocked hopes of a retrial.

Earlier this month, Auld died of cancer, surrounded by his family, having lived his life as a free man.

No wonder the Duffys have made a scathing attack on the Scottish justice system. No stone should have been left unturned in this case, especially after double jeopardy was scrapped.

The Duffys’ pointed questions to the Crown seek answers not only for themselves as a grieving family but also to help others avoid the heartache they have experience­d.

They have, over 25 years, fought for Amanda with dignity and tenacity.

They deserved better than hearing their daughter’s killer had died a free man.

They deserved to see Auld behind bars. No wonder they still want answers.

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