Daily Record


Former RAF mechanics have a lot of catching up to do after meeting again for first time in 55 years

- JACKIE GRANT reporters@dailyrecor­d.co.uk

TWO former RAF servicemen have been reunited after 55 years.

Jim Ferguson and Morris Brand had an emotional reunion after an appeal in our sister title the Dumfries and Galloway Standard.

Fife man Morris, 71, contacted the paper in a bid a to trace Jim, who is from Dumfries but now lives in Cyprus.

The pair joined the Royal Air Force as teenagers in 1961 and embarked on an 18-month training course to become motor mechanics.

But after they passed out in December 1962, they never saw each other again – until this week.

Morris said: “I placed a letter in the Standard asking anyone who knew Jim to help put me in touch with him.

“Unbelievab­ly, he’d moved to Cyprus 10 years ago but was back in Dumfries for a holiday and saw my letter. He contacted me and we finally met up. I’m over the moon.

“I remembered Jim as being tall with dark hair and slim build. When we met, the only thing I recognised were his eyes. It’s been a long time, after all.

“It was a great pleasure and we managed to have a couple of hours together reminiscin­g. I brought him up to date with the goings on of all the other lads who joined up together way back in 1961.

“Hopefully he’ll be at our next RAF reunion and my wife Irene and I are now hoping for an invitation to visit them in Cyprus.”

Jim added: “It was a nice surprise and it brought back good memories when we met. I’ll definitely go to the next RAF reunion.”

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