Daily Record

Our tiny dancer fought for his life... now heisheadin­gforLA

Body-popping survivor is tipped for the top after impressing in UK-wide TV series and being spotted by scouts in US SIX-YEAR-OLD MAKES KIDS TALENT SHOW FINAL


BODY-POPPING to the beat on a TV talent show, six-year-old Kai McDonald has come a long way since fighting for his life in intensive care.

When he was nine months old, Kai was struck down by a virus that left him with a soaring temperatur­e and facing potential organ failure.

But now, little more than five years on, the schoolboy has been tipped for the top of the entertainm­ent world after making the finals of a UK-wide talent show.

He has even been scouted by LA-based dance experts, who are going to fly him out to the US for special performanc­es.

But first Kai, from East Kilbride, is heading down to England for today’s final of the TeenStar talent show, where he will compete against kids twice his age in the pre-teen category.

Having already seen off thousands of young rivals who entered the competitio­n, his performanc­e will be broadcast on Showcase TV on Sky and Freesat.

If he wins, Kai will land a major sponsorshi­p and video deal.

Later this year, he will compete in the final of another national dance competitio­n … before being flown to California, all expenses paid, early next year by dance mentors who spotted his talent online.

It’s hard to believe the little boy so full of smiles and sass survived a major health scare after being struck down by a rare condition.

Recalling the trauma, his mum Michelle, 28, said: “Kai had herpes virus eczema herpeticum.

“It’s a potentiall­y serious viral infection of the skin that is from the

same family as the herpes simplex virus, HB1, which causes cold sores.

“It can lead to high temperatur­es and spreads like a virus, shutting down your organs.

“The first thing we knew about it was when Kai was covered head to toe in spots.

“At first we thought it was chicken pox but he was really unsettled and we got him to the doctors.

“By the time we got him there, he was quite limp and unwell.

“The doctors told us we had to take him straight to Yorkhill hospital in Glasgow.”

Michelle added: “Some people say babies can get the infection if they are kissed by someone with a cold sore – but we don’t know how Kai got it.

“It was frightenin­g because he was put into intensive care and it was touch and go for a few days.

“These days, doctors know how to treat it and it is rarely fatal – but at that time it was still looked upon as something quite new and dangerous.”

Dad Paul, 29, described their shock and feeling of helplessne­ss as first-time parents.

He said: “Kai’s temperatur­e was right up and the doctors were concerned.

“They said his life was in jeopardy and he was in hospital for a week in

intensive care. We were very worried.” Kai was eventually given the all clear but his parents still have to monitor him in case he has another attack.

Paul said: “Even when he got out after that worrying week, he had to go for check-ups to make sure there was no lasting damage.

“The illness can cause blindness and scar tissue on organs but Kai was a wee survivor and you can see even now he’s a sturdy wee boy.

“The condition remains dormant

within the body but thankfully we’ve not had any more infections. “We’ve still got the photos on our phone to remind us how lucky we are.”

Kai, who attends St Louise Primary in East Kilbride, has always been full of energy. He started going to dance classes after his parents thought it would be good to focus his energy on some physical activity.

Michelle said: “He was forever flinging himself about the place and had no fear. He has so much energy and was always on the go.

“He never walked, he always ran, so I needed something to try to let him burn energy off.“

The couple sent Kai to a local dance school when he was five. He hasn’t looked back – and sister Poppy, two, also now attends classes there.

Michelle said: “His dance school, Nu-Hype, was local so I asked if he could join and it’s been amazing.

“He loves watching Diversity all the time on YouTube and I never have to encourage him to dance. He just bounces about.

“The older kids in his team are amazing with him and patient when they are learning new routines, so it helps his confidence.”

Michelle, a former Irish dancer, added: “As soon as Kai is on stage he is a completely different person with more attitude.”

Kai even has a dance partner and girlfriend, Khloe McInnes.

Proud Michelle said: “He has already won 15 trophies, including a massive trophy for Mini Mover at his dance class at the end of the year. It was bigger than him.”

Kai managed to get through several local, regional and national rounds of TeenStar in Scotland before making it to the grand final in St Albans today.

Thrilled Paul said: “They told me they’ve never had anyone as young as six make it to the grand final.

“He has also made it to the grand final of the United Dance Organisati­on for Team Scotland in October and after that he’s heading to the States.”

Kai was spotted online by dance scouts from US-based Connect Your Talent, who are paying for him to study dance in LA for two weeks in March.

Paul said: “Kai is really excited to go to America. He couldn’t believe it when we told him that he was going. He asked if he would see Justin Bieber.

“We couldn’t knock it back and we will also be there for two weeks’ holiday. It’s intensive training with dance studios and choreograp­hers.”

Michelle added: “We’ve already managed to get him sponsorshi­p via clothing company Couch UK, with lots of bright colours and UV reactive paint. They saw a video of him and got in touch.

“Kai and his friends at school love it. He joked the other day, ‘I’m worth a lot of money, you know.’”

Kai is really excited to go to America. He couldn’t believe it when we told him. He asked if he’d see Justin Bieber


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 ??  ?? SPOT THE DIFFERENCE Baby Kai during scare his health FAMILY SUPPORT Withmum Michelle, dadPaul andlittle sister Poppy CUTE COUPLE Dancing with his girlfriend Khloe GROWING COLLECTION Kai shows some off of 15 the trophies he’s won so far HE’S GOT THE...
SPOT THE DIFFERENCE Baby Kai during scare his health FAMILY SUPPORT Withmum Michelle, dadPaul andlittle sister Poppy CUTE COUPLE Dancing with his girlfriend Khloe GROWING COLLECTION Kai shows some off of 15 the trophies he’s won so far HE’S GOT THE...

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