Daily Record

Funniest tattoo fail ever

Scot’s tattoo tribute to his beloved Celtic goes hilariousl­y wrong on boozy holiday night out

- JAMIE SHUTTLEWOR­TH reporters@dailyrecor­d.co.uk

A CELTIC fan out with the lads in Magaluf asked a tattooist to write “Ten in a Row” on his chest but ended up with “Terry Munro”.

Something got lost in translatio­n and Robbie Brunton, 25, woke up next morning with no idea why he had a total stranger’s name above his right nipple.

But he can see the funny side, even though he’s all over Twitter.

Robbie, from Leven in Fife, loves Brendan Rodgers’ men. He’s convinced they’re on course to set a Scottish record by lifting 10 league titles in a row – as a popular chant at Celtic Park predicts.

And as he soaked up the sun and enjoyed a few beers with his mates, someone apparently talked him into getting the tattoo.

It’s not exactly clear what went wrong after that, but it was obviously something fairly major.

Robbie, a mechanical engineer with fish farm firm Marine Harvest, said: “I woke up with the tattoo and couldn’t remember anything else about it.

“I got a fair bit of stick for it but I found it funny. It was a bit of a laugh.”

A photo of Robbie’s tat has been retweeted more than 2500 times and favourited by 7000 fans.

He says he’ll get it covered up eventually but he’s in no rush. He even hopes it might turn out to be a lucky charm for his heroes.

Robbie said: “We’ve got a great chance of Ten in a Row and now I’ve got this tattoo they’d better do it.

“I think I’ll keep it until I see what happens.”

Some wag asked if he’d change his name to Terry Munro if the Celts failed. He said he’d think about it.

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? MORNING SHOCKER Robbie woke to find tat on his chest TEL US WHAT WENT WRONG Robbie doesn’t seem to know. But he doesn’t seem all that bothered either, if truth be told
MORNING SHOCKER Robbie woke to find tat on his chest TEL US WHAT WENT WRONG Robbie doesn’t seem to know. But he doesn’t seem all that bothered either, if truth be told

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