Daily Record


RCN survey reveals half found lack of nursing staff is impacting on care Opposition say findings are damning insight into SNP’s mismanagem­ent

- LYNSEY BEWS reporters@dailyrecor­d.co.uk

SCOTS nurses say care is being compromise­d by a staffing crisis in the NHS.

Half of the 3300 staff who responded to a survey by the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) said shortages on their most recent shift had impacted patients.

The research also uncovered concerns over the use of agency staff and the “skill mix” on shifts.

The survey’s preliminar­y findings were reported by RCN Scotland in a submission to Holyrood’s Health Committee on the 2018/19 draft budget.

More than one third reported the use of bank and agency staff during their most recent shift.

On average, one in eight nurses on that shift were supplied by an agency, the respondent­s said.

The submission­s added: “Respondent­s also reported insufficie­nt staffing and the impact of this on patient care, with half of those in Scotland reporting patient care was compromise­d on their last shift.

“When describing what had impacted on the ability to deliver high-quality care, one third reported not enough registered nurses and a quarter reported there were not enough healthcare support workers.

“Nearly half reported they had concerns about the skill mix (which may also include staffing beyond nursing) on their last shift/day of work.”

The RCN will publish more detailed analysis in the summer.

Official statistics show the use of agency nursing and midwifery staff increased in 2016/17 from the previous year.

NHS Scotland spent £166.5million on agency staff during 2016/17, up £8.4million on 2015/16.

Commenting on the RCN survey findings, Scottish Labour health spokesman Anas Sarwar said: “This is a deeply worrying revelation.

“It reinforces our warnings that the SNP have presided over a workforce crisis in our NHS, leaving staff overworked, undervalue­d and under-resourced.

“Morale is at rock bottom in the health service, with staff reporting there simply aren’t enough of them to do the job properly. That risks compromisi­ng patient safety. This is part of the legacy left by Nicola Sturgeon who, as health secretary, slashed the number of training places for nurses and midwives.

“As a result, spending on agency nurses in Scotland has risen sixfold in five years under the SNP, which is just one reason why our health service is in desperate need for a meaningful workforce plan.”

Lib Dem MSP Alex Cole-Hamilton said: “This is a damning insight into the state of the NHS in Scotland that should shame the SNP. The fact nurses feel patient safety has been compromise­d due to lack of staff is deeply worrying.”

Health Secretary Shona Robison said whole-time equivalent nursing and midwifery staff has increased by 3300 compared with five years ago, while training places have also risen 4.7 per cent for 2017/18.

Last year, agency staff made up 0.4 per cent of the total NHS nursing workforce, she added.

Robison said: “We’re working with health boards to reduce the overall use of agency staff, including establishi­ng regional and national staff banks – which allow health boards greater access to a pool of highly-skilled, flexible NHS staff.

“Our recently-published NHS workforce plan also sets out a commitment to delivering about 2600 additional nursing and midwifery training places by the end of this parliament, as part of a wide-ranging set of measures to support and sustain our workforce.

“In addition to this, we have committed to enshrine safe staffing in law and are currently considerin­g the responses we received to the recently closed consultati­on on this.”

Scottish Conservati­ve health spokesman Miles Briggs said: “We have warned the Scottish Government for years that there aren’t enough nurses working currently, and there aren’t enough coming through the system.

“This falls on the SNP’s head, and it must act swiftly to address these very serious concerns.”

 ??  ?? UNDER PRESSURE Nurses say staffing levels are affecting care
UNDER PRESSURE Nurses say staffing levels are affecting care

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