Daily Record

IknewtheTi­meLord whenshewas­areal doctor. Well, kind of

EMUN ELLIOTT ON HOW HE BONDED WITH JODIE Scots actor gives an insight into his co-star in new psychologi­cal thriller Trust Me as she is thrust into the limelight by her latest role

- STEVE HENDRY stephen.hendry@trinitymir­ror.com

EMUN Elliott can say he was there when Jodie Whittaker put on her coat and became a doctor for the first time.

There wasn’t a Tardis in sight – and rather than being in a distant galaxy, they were in West Lothian, going round a hospital in preparatio­n for shooting new medical drama Trust Me.

Even so, he’s got a sense of what the woman who will take over the Whovian universe as the 13th Doctor is all about.

Jodie will become the first female Time Lord when Peter Capaldi bows out in this year’s Christmas special. But her feet are very much on the ground, according to The Paradise star Emun.

He said: “I’ve been a fan of her for a long time, having seen her in various things over the years – and she is an absolute pleasure to work with.

“She has this ability to just turn it on. On set, she is very relaxed. Because she is the lead, that attitude just seeps into the rest of the cast and crew.

“She’s been incredible to work with, very profession­al and loads of fun.”

Psychologi­cal thriller Trust Me sees Jodie star as a hard-working nurse who, after being sacked for whistle-blowing, takes on the identity of a doctor friend who has emigrated to New Zealand. She ends up in Edinburgh, posing as an A&E doctor.

Emun, 33, plays a consultant at the hospital, Dr Andy Brenner.

The series was written by Dan Sefton, an NHS doctor, and the cast toured St John’s Hospital in Livingston.

Emun said: “I did as much research as I could.

“Obviously, a doctor has seven years of study before they qualify, so I squeezed in as much as I could, watched as many documentar­ies as I could which focused on doctors and the NHS, and I practised getting my tongue around the terminolog­y, because I wanted to sound like I knew what I was talking about.

“The main thing for me was just to be convincing. This guy just had to look like he knew exactly what he was doing.

“But the BBC also arranged for us to be given a tour of St John’s, getting to see behind the scenes of each department. It was another perspectiv­e, which was a real eye-opener.

“I think because my world as an actor is so make-believe, walking into a place like a hospital the stakes go through the roof. It is literally a life-or-death environmen­t and you can’t get more real than that.”

As well as working with Jodie, Trust Me gave Emun another chance to return home.

Having grown up in Edinburgh, he’s getting used to being back.

He recently filmed BBC3 drama Clique in the city – after also shooting Talulah Riley’s Scottish Mussel and the film adaptation of Irvine Welsh’s Filth in the capital.

Emun’s character is a local and has a very similar background to the actor, who grew up in and around Meadowbank and Portobello and attended George Heriot’s School.

He said: “Edinburgh will always be my home town. I love going back

I’ve been a fan of her for a long time and she is a pleasure to work with EMUN ELLIOTT

anyway, and getting the opportunit­y to work there is even better.

“In Trust Me, my character is from Portobello. We shot a scene on Portobello beach and he was talking about growing up there and memories of that place, and it just felt very close to home because that’s where I grew up.

“It’s not a show that is there to sell Edinburgh but I think they made the most out of the city. They chose to shoot in fantastic locations.

“It’s always great to see Edinburgh getting proper screen time. I think it looks beautiful.”

The show also reunited him with some old friends both behind and in front of the cameras. Emun said: “There is a lot of Scottish talent in the cast. I had worked with some of the crew before as I’ve worked in Scotland quite a bit over the years.

“My good friends Brian Ferguson and Ally Craig came in to do a few scenes with us, which was a joy, as I hadn’t really spent time with them since we did Black Watch together for the National Theatre of Scotland 10 years ago.”

Emun is back in uniform in his latest big-screen offering, 6 Days, alongside Jamie Bell, Mark Strong and Abbie Cornish.

It tells the story of the 1980 Iranian embassy siege and he plays one of the SAS team who stormed the building.

He said: “We trained with ex-New Zealand SAS for two weeks. To get the chance to go into that world for a couple of months was a real opportunit­y and experience, I have high hopes for that movie.”

As well as his raft of recent Scottish films and two series of The Paradise, Emun has starred in Game of Thrones, Lip Service, Comedy Central sitcom Threesome and blockbuste­rs including Ridley Scott’s Prometheus, Exodus: Gods and Kings and Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

He was a cool head in a galaxy far, far away as Lieutenant Taslin Brance. Emun said: “Just to be a part of that film was incredible but I actually hadn’t seen any of the films before. I remember the night before I started shooting I forced myself to sit through The Empire Strike Backs, which is brilliant, so it was great to step into that world. “There were a lot of people who were having mini-meltdowns but I was able to take a step back and just enjoy it for what it was. “It is surreal and brilliant. You are surrounded by these legendary characters, you’ve got Han Solo and Chewbacca to your right, C-3PO to your left.” And now, Doctor Who straight ahead. ● Trust Me starts on BBC1 next Tuesday at 9pm.

 ??  ?? BIG REVEAL Jodie Whittaker is uncloaked as the 13th Time Lord in a BBC video last month STAGE SUCCESS Emun in Black Watch
BIG REVEAL Jodie Whittaker is uncloaked as the 13th Time Lord in a BBC video last month STAGE SUCCESS Emun in Black Watch
 ??  ?? FORCE AWAKENS TV HITS With Jodie Whittaker in Trust Me, main. Game of Thrones, above, and Lip Service, below Emun in Star Wars
FORCE AWAKENS TV HITS With Jodie Whittaker in Trust Me, main. Game of Thrones, above, and Lip Service, below Emun in Star Wars

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