Daily Record

Seven ways to get work stress under control


ALWAYS feeling stressed about work?

Adrenalin can be helpful in hitting deadlines but too much of it can become a danger to your health.

Emma Mamo, of the mental health charity Mind, said: “Long working hours, excessive workload and poor relationsh­ips with colleagues can all lead to unmanageab­le stress.

“It affects us all in different ways but there are signs to look out for: Feeling irritated, finding it hard to sleep or struggling to concentrat­e.

“You may feel really upset and emotional. You might also notice some physical signs, like headaches, upset stomach or difficulty breathing.”

Here are seven ways to get your stress levels under control. Dr Mark Winwood, director of psychologi­cal services for AXA PPP healthcare, said: “It is important to think about what’s making you want to phone in sick.

“Think about what you’d say to a friend or a colleague in the same situation. Would you be as hard on them as you are on yourself?” is about being focused on what is happening in the present moment.

“Research suggests that up to 45 per cent of our time may be spent ‘mindwander­ing’ – thinking about something we are not currently doing.

“Being able to focus on the present moment is often difficult due to our workload and task lists. Try dialling into each of your senses and focusing on what each is feeling.” When your mental wellbeing is suffering, look at your physical wellbeing.

Eating healthily, exercising regularly and sleeping enough can improve your ability to cope with stressful situations.

Herbert said: “Physical exercise uses the stress hormones we build up as a fuel source, so can be a great way to release tension.”

Break tasks down into steps.. each will feel like a victory

Emma Ross, A.Vogel nutritioni­st, said: “Caffeine triggers adrenaline production, which leaves us feeling on edge.

“Switch to lemon balm. It is extremely good at calming agitated nerves. And drink plenty of water.” Mamo said: “If you have a good relationsh­ip and trust them then you could meet your boss to discuss what’s going on.” If you need time off, take it Mamo said: “It’s up to each employee to decide when mental or physical health prevents them from carrying out their job and warrants asking to take time off sick.”

 ??  ?? ON THE EDGE There are ways to spot signs of stress
ON THE EDGE There are ways to spot signs of stress

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