Daily Record

Dear Coleen



MY boyfriend is sweet, sensitive and loving.

However, things are completely different in the bedroom. He slaps me, spits on me and calls me a whore.

I think he’s copying pornograph­y.

I told him I really don’t like him spitting on me and a few days later he said, as if I was in the wrong, that he’d looked on a forum and it said girls love it during sex.

It’s got to the point where I avoid sex altogether because I really don’t enjoy it. It doesn’t feel like being made love to and it does nothing for me.

What can I do? He is absolutely perfect in every other way, but I can’t carry on with our sex life like this. off limits. Tell him very clearly that you don’t want to have sex with him at all if he can’t acknowledg­e that.

It’s a huge problem these days because lots of young men get their sexual “education” via porn sites.

It’s unrealisti­c fantasytyp­e sex, but if you’ve spent your teenage years watching it then you might think it’s normal.

You could try taking more control by telling him and showing him what you like and how you want be treated. But you might have to accept that while he’s perfect in every other way, it doesn’t work in the bedroom.

And you shouldn’t be with him if he doesn’t respect you enough to take into account your feelings.

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