Daily Record

Young at heart...



C4, 9pm IN AN ambitious experiment, 10 four-year-olds leave behind their nursery classroom to join 10 pensioners in a retirement village near Bristol.

Run by geriatric specialist­s and based on similar successful schemes in the United States, the two groups will work, play and socialise together for six weeks.

The idea is that the inter-generation­al contact will help to improve the memory, mood and mobility of the older people. Something that’s clearly very needed, as the health experts carry out a comprehens­ive study of all the older participan­ts at the start of the programme and discover that most of them have signs of depression, are severely inactive and feel lonely and hopeless.

Throwing in a gang of rowdy pre-schoolers might not seem to be the obvious solution – and there’s certainly a fair few doubters at the start.

But there are also things these two groups inherently have in common – perhaps needing help with mobility and everyday tasks, spending most of their time in a small, restricted world, sometimes unaware of social convention­s and expected behaviour … and testing people’s patience.

It’s these similariti­es that could actually make pre-schoolers and pensioners ideal companions.

As for the effect on the older people, it stands to reason that being surrounded by infectious energy, curiosity, joy and non-judgmental friendship could be transforma­tive.

Take curmudgeon­ly Hamish – an 84-year-old with a prosthetic leg who questions the point of the experiment.

The transforma­tion of this sceptical chap, who could barely get out of a chair and was happiest alone reading his paper, is remarkable.

Within no time, he’s helping his new young friends to crayon or play with baby ducklings – and even crawling on the floor roaring as he makes them scream with laughter while playing Sleeping Lions.

It’s remarkable, important and heart-warming stuff.

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