Daily Record



people are booing you and shouting, you need to be composed and keep the ball.

“The longer we keep the ball, the more anxious their players will get and, hopefully, the more spaces we can find.

“Before, people would maybe press us and we’d just look for big Georgios Samaras up the park and play off him. It’s different now, we don’t have that 6ft 5in centre-forward so we need to keep possession.

“The manager’s teams have always done that and it’s working well for us. We’re very structured. The gaffer has installed that and we’ve worked so much harder than other teams probably do. We have that fitness and it comes from belief as well.

“The pressure is on both teams. We have 90 minutes so we need to make sure we control the game. If it’s in the last 10 or five minutes, we need to make sure we’re in control of the game.”

Brown knows the importance of qualificat­ion tomorrow night and does not hide from the fact an exit would be a bitter blow at this stage of the season.

He said: “We want to get into the Champions League. This is the big one, this is a cash windfall for the club as well and this pushes us on to the next level again.

“If we can get into it two years in a row, it’s great for the club and great for the players’ confidence. This club deserve it and now we need to go and get it for them.”

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