Daily Record



‘Brendan Rodgers better have a Plan C up his sleeve for this Wednesday or Celtic are in big trouble against Rosenborg’

talks about Celtic supporters, not football. Does he forget that Rangers got to two European finals and their fans marred both occasions by causing trouble?

“We know certain elements of the Celtic support like the Green Brigade do stupid things but put it in perspectiv­e to your club’s support, John.

“Celtic went to three European finals in Lisbon, Milan and Seville and there wasn’t a whiff of bother.”

emailed: “If ever the Premier League needed a reason not to invite the Old Firm to join them, this surely hammers home the point. Do you think the police and local residents would enjoy that sort of violence every other week when the Old Firm comes calling?”

said: “Everyone is entitled to their political and religious beliefs but don’t take it with you into a football ground because it has no place there.

“I won’t have my ability to watch and cheer on my team possibly taken away from me by a selfish minority who risk getting stands closed as punishment for their actions. It makes me angry.”

said: “Brendan Rodgers’s Plan A did not work in the first half last Wednesday. If the second half was Plan B then he’d better have a Plan C up his sleeve for this Wednesday or Celtic are in big trouble against Rosenborg.”

said: “I’m not so sure if I’d play James Forrest against Rosenborg because he wasn’t great in the first leg.”

Dundee United fan emailed: “I can’t believe how bitter Stephen Craigan is about Scott McDonald moving on to bigger and better things after leaving Motherwell.

“Meanwhile the press obsess about Cammy Bell as to why he is not playing. Well I can answer that for you – he’s hopeless!

“Well done the Terrors in their performanc­e against Dundee at the weekend. Normal service has been resumed on Tayside, Mr McCann.” CALL THE HOTLINE TODAY FROM 11 TILL 12 NOON on: 0141 309 3306 or email us: hotline@dailyrecor­d.co.uk

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