Daily Record

Angelina puts the spotlight on Bell’s palsy


ANGELINA Jolie has opened up about suffering from hypertensi­on and Bell’s palsy as her marriage to Brad Pitt fell apart.

The Hollywood actress and mum of six revealed the conditions made one side of her face drop as they caused temporary weakness and paralysis of her muscles.

She told Vanity Fair acupunctur­e treatment helped her make a full recovery from her Bell’s palsy.

But what is the condition and how can it be treated?


The condition causes temporary weakness or paralysis of the muscles in one side of the face. It can also affect the sufferer’s sensitivit­y to noise and affect their taste buds.

It can cause mild muscle weakness – known as partial palsy – or no movement at all – known as complete palsy or paralysis.


The exact cause is unknown but it is believed to occur when the nerve that controls the muscles in your face becomes compressed.

It’s thought that it could occur when the facial nerve becomes inflamed after a viral infection, such as herpes.

The condition is also believed to be caused by stress and a weakened immune system.


The condition affects about one in 5000 people in the UK every year.

It is most common in people aged 15 to 60, with men and women equally likely to be affected.

That said, it’s more common in pregnant women as well as people with diabetes or a suppressed immune system.


Around seven out of 10 people with Bell’s palsy make a complete recovery with or without treatment, according to NHS statistics.

A full recovery can take up to nine months but most sufferers see improvemen­ts in their symptoms within three weeks.

The steroid hormone medication prednisolo­ne can be used to reduce the swelling of the facial nerve, while eye drops can help if you’re struggling to close your eye.

Tape can also be used to help you close your affected eye while sleeping.

 ??  ?? REVELATION Jolie suffered from Bell’s palsy
REVELATION Jolie suffered from Bell’s palsy

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