Daily Record

This is the first time I’ve been away from the twins..Amal sends pics & Ithink‘God, IwishIwas withthem’


- JOHN HISCOCK reporters@dailyrecor­d.co.uk

GEORGE Clooney has achieved global fame, amassed a fortune worth hundreds of millions, is happily married to a top lawyer and was recently blessed with twins.

So, at 56, it’s hard to imagine the actor, director and heartthrob has any more ambitions.

George said: “All I can do is hope that I am not chasing my kids around with a walker and cane or switching diapers with them.”

The star is in Toronto to chat about Suburbicon, a film he directed starring Matt Damon and Julianne Moore, but his mind is very much back at home.

This trip is the first time he’s been away from wife Amal, 39, their son Alexander and daughter Ella.

There are small outward signs that George has changed since becoming a dad – a little under-eye darkness from helping with night-time feeds.

But there’s been a bigger transforma­tion inside. The ex-commitment-phobic ladies man who serial dated models has become a family man. George said: “I couldn’t be more in love and more happy with my family. I’m 56, which is old to be doing this and I didn’t really think it was going to happen in my life. So it’s all icing on the cake.

“I thought that my life was going to be focused on my career. Then I have this incredible relationsh­ip and then all of a sudden we have these two knucklehea­ds who make me laugh every day.

“Today is the first time I’ve been away from them since they were born and I wish I was with them. My wife sends me pictures of them and I think, ‘God, I wish I was with my kids’. I’m excited to get home. It’s nice to feel this way.”

Life for George and Amal, who have a home overlookin­g the Thames in Sonning, Berkshire, may sound like bliss.

But George said: “I wasn’t completely unaware of what life would be like with children. All my friends have kids and I am godfather to about 20.

“The surprise for me was how much more complicate­d twins are than one.

“It’s not like twice as much work, it’s more than that. It changes everything and you don’t sleep. So I have such

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