Daily Record

Online dating is hard.. but I’ll keep looking


AFTER splitting from her husband six years ago, Dawn Mooney is still hoping to find love again.

The 48-year-old school clerical assistant from Troon has been on lots of dates but has yet to find “the one”.

Dawn, who is mum to Cael, 11, and Devon, 10, has tried different online dating sites.

She said: “I’ve been on lots of dates but either I don’t like them or they don’t like me or there’s no chemistry.

“Some I’m still in touch with as friends but it won’t go anywhere. It’s really difficult.”

Dawn said some people use out-of-date photos on their profiles, some lie about their age and others aren’t looking for a serious relationsh­ip.

She’s also been caught out by a married man pretending to be single.

She said: “I saw a guy from Edinburgh for a while and he lied about his divorce. It turned out he had a wife and daughter tucked away.”

Despite this, she hasn’t given up hope.

Dawn said: “Online seems to be the way to go as you hear success stories.

“You want someone who’s got a job, someone who’s decent and knows how to behave. Trust and honesty are the main things with me.

“I do believe there’s a lid for every pot – you just have to try a few on to find one that fits.”

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