Daily Record



‘Scott Brown is an ageing midfielder in a guff league whose best days are behind him. He’s not Lionel Messi’

think he is? He can go with Strachan as he, like many other players, will be too old in four years’ time.

“We need a new face and someone who will build the Scottish team around Tierney, Robertson etc. The young men who will be here in a few years’ time.

“Get rid of the dross and start afresh, it is the only way to go if we are to improve as a country.” Now for an open letter from

who emailed: “Dear Gordon, if you are to take charge of the next campaign then please:

“1. Move home as your finger is so far off the pulse of our domestic game and its merits, it is alarming.

“2. Thank Mark McGhee for his services and wish him well for the future.

“3. Thank all the players not good enough to get a game for their country, England, and wish them well for the future playing for their non-descript sides.

“4. Ditch the Scots struggling to get a game down south in sides that are used to losing.

“5. Persuade Scott Brown to stay and surround him with the very exciting young Scots emerging at the moment, the best batch in many years.

“6. Loyalty is a good trait as long as it is not to the detriment of the national side, so pack your bags and come home so you can do the job properly.”

said: “I firmly believe Scotland’s failure to finish second in the group is as much about psychology as it is about physicalit­y.

“Strachan relied heavily during the campaign on players from Celtic, a team for whom the height of their ambition in European football is to finish third in a group of four.” Finally Strachan had a defender.

said: “I just don’t get the shouts for Strachan to go. People have short memories. Before he was in charge we rarely took qualifiers to the final game as we were already out.

“It also speaks volumes that the general consensus from the players is they are happy working with him and want him to stay. Listen to the players.” CALL THE HOTLINE TODAY FROM 11 TILL 12 NOON on: 0141 309 3306 or email us: hotline@dailyrecor­d.co.uk

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