Daily Record


Sarwar ally accuses Unite of breaking the rules after they back left-winger Leonard

- TORCUIL CRICHTON Westminste­r Editor

SPLITS in the Scottish Labour Party have been thrown wide open, with a senior MP accusing the Unite union of rigging the leadership election.

Ian Murray claimed the race between Richard Leonard and Anas Sarwar was “at best, clumsy and, at worst, being rigged”.

He criticised Unite, who have thrown their support behind Leonard, for a text message sent to members encouragin­g them to sign up as Labour supporters to vote for the left-winger.

Unite sources said they signed up 2500 members in one weekend for Leonard.

But the Sarwar camp raised doubts about the legality of the move.

Sarwar ally Murray, who sits on the party’s ruling Executive Committee said: “The way in which Unite have signed up affiliate members to vote in the leadership election is against the rules of the Scottish Labour Party.

“The text clearly failed to ask the recipients if they supported the aims and values of the Labour Party.”

Edinburgh MP Murray has written to the party’s general secretary Brian Roy, saying they must reconsider whether the sign-ups are valid.

Unite said the claims were a “baseless smear”.

A spokesman added: “Our members’ affiliatio­ns are entirely legitimate.

“Unite will be writing to the Labour Party general secretary to express our concerns at these repeated and underhand efforts to bring this election and our union into disrepute.”

A Scottish Labour spokesman said: “These sign-ups are eligible and within the rules of the leadership contest.”

Murray also questioned the “impartiali­ty” of Alex Rowley after the interim leader was caught on tape backing Leonard.

He suggested Rowley should no longer chair a panel set up to vet new members.

The period for local parties to nominate candidates has ended.

The endorsemen­ts – which do not count as votes – showed Leonard with 43 nomination­s from local constituen­cy parties and Sarwar with 16.

Leonard has the backing of most of the affiliated organisati­ons and unions.

The Central Scotland MSP said: “I am honoured to have been backed in this way, but there is a long way to go. Let’s conduct this debate in a comradely fashion.”

Nearly 100 councillor­s helped Sarwar secure the nomination of the Scottish Associatio­n of Labour Councillor­s.

The Glasgow MSP’s team claim thousands of members have joined the campaign to elect him through daily phone banks, emails and text messages.

Sarwar said: “The response to our campaign has been overwhelmi­ng.

“There are two weeks until ballot papers land. I will travel the country to listen to the Labour movement about how we put our values at the heart of Scotland’s future.”

The result of the election will be declared on November 18.

 ??  ?? TENSION Murray, above left, who is an ally of Sarwar, centre, claims Unite rigged election in favour of Leonard, above right
TENSION Murray, above left, who is an ally of Sarwar, centre, claims Unite rigged election in favour of Leonard, above right
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