Daily Record

Jon:We gottaget tougher


JON McLAUGHLIN insists Hearts must toughen up at the back as he warned Ross County will be targeting their soft centre today.

The Jambos conceded from two set-pieces in the defeat to Dundee and Christophe Berra slammed their dithering defence.

McLaughlin reckons the Staggies will have taken note and warned they can’t afford a repeat as they prepare for today’s trip to Dingwall.

And the 30-year-old knows Hearts need to pay attention to his former Bradford City teammate Andrew Davies at set-pieces.

McLaughlin said: “It’s always a key part of any good team – being tight at the back, clean sheets, which all set you up to be in a position to win games. Especially when you’re away.

“You start with a point and you need to try to do everything you can as a defensive unit to keep it that way and give the team a chance going forward.

“Against Dundee and in a lot of other games, judging by the work I’ve had to do in open play, we’ve done well defensivel­y, the chances have been at a premium for other sides.

“So the Dundee game was frustratin­g, the two set-pieces were all that they created. Everyone was hurting and there is an anger about the way goals have come about.

“Having seen our results and the way things went for us at Dundee, County will see that as a way to get at us.

“So we’ll need to be switched on. It’s going to be a key part of the game. I’m sure if they get chances they’ll try and bring Davies up to hurt us.

“I played with Davo and he’s right up there at set-pieces, that’s one of his strengths.”

And McLaughlin revealed gaffer Craig Levein was measured in his criticism after defeat.

He said: “I’ve seen angry managers but the management team didn’t lose the plot, it wasn’t unconstruc­tive. People need to learn a lesson and I’m sure everyone did.”

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