Daily Record


Royal Mail paying shareholde­rs £500k a day


ROYAL Mail shareholde­rs are being paid £500,000 a day while Britain’s postal service is slashed, figures show.

More than £626million has been handed to private investors since the service were sold off by the Government four years ago.

At the same time, dozens of delivery offices have shut and 11,000 staff have been axed, with stamp prices up 12 per cent.

Unions described the “abuse of funds” as “outrageous” and said the huge dividends would “sicken” the public.

But Royal Mail bosses last night insisted the payouts were a “good thing” and claimed they had been “starved of investment” when they were under state control.

A Royal Mail spokesman said: “Our dividend payments have benefited the many Royal Mail people and private investors who own the company. They also benefit the many UK pension funds who have invested in Royal Mail on behalf of UK workers.

“Alongside the legitimate payment of dividends, Royal Mail have invested £1.5billion in the company since privatisat­ion.

“In state ownership, Royal Mail were starved of investment.”

The revelation comes just 24 hours after the fourth anniversar­y of the privatisat­ion of Royal Mail and days after they won a court injunction preventing this week’s planned 48-hour strike over pensions, wages and jobs.

Dave Ward, general secretary of the Communicat­ion Workers Union, said: “This money should have been used to modernise Royal Mail. It is outrageous to see such an abuse of funds which should rightly be in public hands.”

 ??  ?? OUTRAGE Dave Ward

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